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A/N: Special shoutout to trashbagbitch, lissamz, fbbqueen, _Quest_Quest, and Phira_3. I thank you so much for your comments! Makes my day. I love to see what you guys think or feel about this story. To others who have voted and the ones who've read this story so far, thank you! These two series are in my top five for sure!

Stay safe and hope you continue to enjoy this story!

Another day and night passed with no visitors. I was given food once. I assumed Tamlin found out about Lucien's visit and kept him under close watch.

The food hadn't been as good as what Lucien had brought, but I was not in a position to complain.

The morning light shone through one of the small windows. I shifted so the light would warm my face. I'd refused to sleep again, so I was barely hanging on to consciousness. The light was my energy source. Or I could pretend it helped.

I wasn't sure I'd make it through a third night.

The guards were still as stiff as they were the first day. For the most part, they had been able to ignore my jokes and bawdy songs, but even they had a short leash like their master. They quickly learned I had no problem annoying someone until their ears bled.

I bore the bruises from their fits of rage when it got to be too much.

Sometime around noon, the door opened and someone in a pale blue cloak entered. They spoke quietly to the guards. My human ears couldn't pick up the conversation, so I guessed them to be fae.

Moments later, the guards left the room without a look in my direction. Bastards.

The hooded figure turned to face me. Their face was hidden beneath the hood, but pale blonde hair flowed loosely down their chest. Apparently they did not want me to know who they were.

The thought unsettled me.

They drew close, kneeling down in front of me. Pale hands reached out and clasped mine. I jumped in surprise.

The fae was most definitely female. I looked closer at the hands that gripped mine. One was as pure and delicate as one would expect. The other had been brutally mangled. It made me curious as to what happened.

"Do not be afraid," she whispered. Her voice was smooth, if not a bit high pitched. "I am here to help you."

I was unsure of this female. It wasn't always the seasoned warrior you had to watch out for.

"You don't have to say anything," she continued before I could decide how to respond. "You just need to listen carefully to what I'm about to tell you."

She went on to give me a detailed escape plan.

She would come back later tonight and take care of the guards. Then she would come inside with my weapons and set me free. But, she had to rant about how women, or females, or whatever, did not need to carry such weapons, nor know how to use them. It had been enough to set me off. Holding back my laughter had been difficult as she flinched at my vocabulary.

Once I'd finished, she continued as if my interruption had not happened and then left without another word.

The guards seemed oblivious to what had been said, but I didn't dare act out of line. At least not any worse than usual. I couldn't let them suspect anything.

Around dusk, Lucien came in with a plate of dinner. The guards left us in peace and he plopped down beside me.

"You look like shit," he muttered, handing me the food. "Have you even slept at all?"

"Listen buddy. You don't know me well enough to insult me," I grumbled, glaring at him over the food, like he'd take it away if I said something wrong.

"Alright, alright, fine," he surrendered, throwing his hands up in the air. "I don't blame you for not sleeping, though I wish you would."

I growled at him through the chicken leg.

He narrowed his eyes at me. "Don't tell me you're planning something stupid. You've got a certain glint in your eye that can only mean trouble."

"I'm as smart as they come," I retorted, tossing the bare bone at him. "Reckless is not in my vocabulary."

He raised an eyebrow. "Need I remind you of how you challenged Tamlin? I think you have reckless written all over you."

"Alright, fine. You got me," I groaned. "But I'm not planning anything reckless. Besides, I'm a bit indisposed to be doing that sort of thing anyway." I motioned to my bulging stomach for effect.

"Well, good. I'd hate to have to save your life twice," he answered with a snort.

I handed him back the empty plate, which he gawked at. "Don't gawk at me like that. And don't even think about commenting on my eating habits. I am not afraid to hurt you, even if you are helping me."

I decided not to comment on how he had in fact not saved my life, but instead caused me to wind up here.

"I'm sorry I didn't come back sooner. Tamlin was a bit angry."

A bit angry. That sounded like an understatement. "I've dealt with worse bastards."

He said nothing, though I could see a thousand questions burning in his eyes. He left with a promise to return the following morning.

Without meaning to, I dozed off a few minutes later, my body finally having had enough of my behavior. It had been a surprise I'd lasted as long as I had.

The quiet creak of the door roused me. Hands grabbed my wrists and I kicked out at the contact. The person held firm until I was fully awake and alert. It was the female.

"Everything is set, just like I told you," she said as she unlocked the chains.

She pulled me to my feet, cautious of my condition. I did not immediately bolt for the door, as she likely expected. Something about this made me want to chain myself back to the wall. Like I would be safer that way.

But she shoved my weapons at me, even going so far as to strap them on me herself when I wasn't moving fast enough. Then she took hold of my arm and pulled me with her, even as I tried to plant my feet and stand my ground. It seemed she wouldn't be taking no for an answer.

"Look," she snapped as she drug me up into the night. "I'm risking my position in this Court, and likely my life, just to get you out. The least you could do is act grateful. I could have left you in there for Tamlin to do with as he pleased."

I did not trust this female at all. Like Lucien, she appeared harmless, but at least I could tell if he was being truthful or not. I'd still yet to see her face. She was hiding too many secrets, and I wanted no part of it.

She stopped us when we reached the tree line a quarter mile from the manor.

"This is where I leave you," she said. "Head South. You'll come to the human lands. Someone will help you there."

I waited until she was out of sight before moving. North, not South like she'd said. I would've risked sneaking back to the dungeons, like I'd never left, but it was as if the guards had tripled since we left.

I had no choice but to try and run, even if it played right into her hands. For the child inside me, I would try.

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