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I made my way north the rest of the night. The sickening smell of roses faded the further I drew from the manor. Thank the gods.

I was starving and exhausted. I only regretted not sleeping as much because it slowed my progress down. I still had a terrible feeling about the female that freed me. Like she had some sort of ulterior motive.

It was that very reason I hadn't stopped even once. And because I felt something deadly was following me.

I finally stopped around midmorning as I came across a small creek. I gave myself half an hour to rest and rehydrate before continuing my journey. The child within me had yet to stop kicking. I was near tears in frustration. If Rowan were here, he would have calmed it hours ago.

Once I was cool enough, and the child settled, I moved on, further away from that hell. Lucien was right. I was doing something reckless, though through no fault of my own.

A stick snapped off to my right and I had a dagger palmed in my left hand a split second later. The world around me went still. I didn't need my enhanced fae senses to know something was wrong.

My follower leapt from the shadows and I whirled around, blocking their sword with my dagger. I parried it away from my stomach and pulled Goldryn from its sheath in the same moment.

Black eyes absorbed the bright sunlight as I looked up. My breath caught in my throat as the Valg soldier smiled at me.

"Not so fearsome now, heir of Mala?" he growled, swiping for my feet.

I caught his blade with Goldryn and struck with my dagger. The sickening crunch of metal and bone echoed in my ears. He roared angrily and knocked me aside.

I had to shift now. It was the only way I would have any advantage.

I pulled at the tether between forms, and cried out as a deep, unrelenting pain shot through me. The monster smiled. My heart thundered against my ribs as I realized I couldn't shift. Something was blocking my magic.

I slashed blindly as undiluted fear raced through my veins. I was back with Maeve. I hadn't destroyed her. This was all some sick nightmare she'd conjured up.

I yelped as the Valg's sword ripped through the muscle of my left shoulder, bringing me back from the onslaught of memories. This was real. Maeve was gone. But the Valg were not.

He brought his sword to his lips and licked my blood from the blade. I turned and ran. Distance would be my only friend now.

He didn't bother to move quietly, nor did he draw close. It was like he was on a leash, and I did not want to know who held it. I tugged and tugged on my fae form, but still, I would not shift.

Oh gods. He would wear me down until I could go no further. Then he'd kill me or chain me to his master. Neither of those could happen. Not while this child still had a chance. Not while Lysandra and Evangeline were still unaccounted for.

I was barely breathing now. My lungs burned as I pushed them beyond their limit. I was a Queen, a fire wielder. My flame couldn't be snuffed out like this.

I stumbled to a halt. My legs shook like a newborn colt. The Valg stopped a few meters away and moved no closer. I met his eyes and he began to circle me. A predator assessing his prey.

I desperately tugged once more and whimpered as the shift occurred. It was so much slower than it should have been. What ever was blocking my magic was doing a damn good job of it.

Fire simmered under my skin, but moved no further. My flame did not generally burn me, but I was getting hot. The air around me was normal for a Spring day, but I was sweltering.

Smoke curled inside my mouth as it opened and a sharp cry of pain escaped. Was this how it would end? Would I burn under my own fire?

The smoke choked me, cutting off my airways. It was like Rowan pulling the air from my lungs. Ragged gasps escaped my throat as the smoke grew thicker. Tears poured from my eyes.

Through the haze, I saw the one person I never wished to see again. Her shiny black hair blew in the breeze and her painted red lips curled into a feral grin.

Hang on, Fireheart. Hang on.

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