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Gods my head hurt. It felt like I'd been hit with an anvil.

Then I remembered a red-haired fae knocked me unconscious with the pommel of his sword. Damn it hurt.

I was upright with a start, ignoring the nausea and dizziness that swept through my body. I reached out with my enhanced senses only to remember they were out of the question at the moment. So, I glanced around the room with an assassin's caution.

The bed was average, though still soft. Almost too soft, given my current imbalance. The covers were a muted green, nothing like the green of home. Gold accents ran through almost everything in the room.

I found it odd that I was brought here instead of taken to a cell. Not that I could complain, of course. My pregnancy had been rough, and I would hate to know how uncomfortable a cell would be. Besides, while I couldn't decipher what was off about this place, I knew something was wrong. Terribly wrong. Hopefully Lysandra and Evangeline were able to get away. Then whatever happened would be worth it.

A sharp kick to my bladder reset my priorities. Damn pregnancy.

Three minutes later and I was feeling refreshed. At least I wouldn't piss myself. I couldn't appear helpless here. Not completely.

I took the time to look around the room, finding the door to be locked. I wasn't surprised at the fact, but I was startled to find out all my weapons had been taken. I felt naked without them. Rowan and Aedion had been trying and failing to stop me from wearing them around the castle, but after having them for so long, it felt natural. Secure.

Fear raced through my veins. This reminded me of being with Maeve, and how powerless I felt. I had no weapons and no magic, unless I shifted, but I couldn't afford that element of surprise to be shown just yet. I allowed myself one moment to break. To let the hurt and the separation to truly affect me. 

And then I shut it up, locked behind doors that would remain closed.

I needed no distractions if I was to be able to survive in this world. And to protect the child within me.

I sat down on the edge of the bed. I wouldn't be fighting my way out of this mess for sure. Not without weapons, nor the element of surprise. I wouldn't risk the safety of my child unless I had no other choice.

And if Yrene was right, of which I had no doubt, the child would come sooner rather than later. The weight had shifted overnight. Lower, and heavier, if that was possible. All signs I would have this baby earlier than anticipated. 

I couldn't think about that until the signs truly appeared. The baby had to wait until I was able to return to Rowan and my family. I couldn't have this child around a bunch of strangers. 

The door jolted suddenly and I jerked back, quickly schooling my features into calmness. A mask I'd worn all too much. I sat up straight as the red-haired male entered the room. I narrowed my eyes at him, stopping his advance.

"I'm glad to see you awake," he finally said, looking me over a bit too closely.

"No thanks to you," I snapped. He had no reason to care about my wellbeing, considering he was the one that landed me in the position I was in.

"I did it for your safety," he answered, brushing off my tone. "I want to invite you to dinner. And then ask you a few questions."

I looked him over, deciphering no true ill intent. But I still knew nothing about him. Besides the fact he had some sort of power like Fenrys. That was the only reason he was able to best me. 

My stomach rumbled and he gave me a half smile, raising an eyebrow.

I would have snarled if I was in my fae form, but alas, I had to resort to a sharp sigh through my nose. Perhaps I could eat something. It could be a trap for all I know, but if I had any chance of stalling labor, keeping healthy would help. Not that I would drop my guard for a moment.

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