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Whoever was yelling my name was going to be the next roasted centerpiece at dinner.

I groaned as my eyes fluttered open, flinching at the bright sunlight that met them.

"Thank goodness you're awake!"

Lysandra leaned over my body, her hands resting on my arms. I had to squint to make sure there weren't two of her. Gods, everything hurt. What in the rutting hells happened?

"Where are we?" I inquired after a few moments of regaining my bearings.

"I don't know," she answered, looking around cautiously. "Wherever it is, it smells atrocious. Too many flowers."

I sniffed the air, furrowing my brow when the scent wasn't as strong as she made it out to be. I must've switched into my human form when we fell. I wasn't sure how I felt about that considering I'd grown used to my fae body and enhanced senses. Now everything felt muted and dull, like part of my soul was missing.

"Help me up," I ordered, holding out my hands. "We might as well see if we can find anyone to help us."

I pushed the thought of Rowan away. He was likely terrified and storming his way through the kingdom to locate us. The bond was always weak in my human form, and now it was practically nonexistent. I tugged on my end, but there was nothing I could feel.

Now was not the time to think about him, even if I wanted him here with me, with our child, who was due soon. We had to find a safe place to stay. Determine if the people here were worth trusting.

"Aelin, you really don't need to be moving too much," Lysandra warned, pulling me to my feet. "You need rest, after everything that happened."

"Lys, we can't just sit around and do nothing until someone finds us. I might not have my flame in this form, but I sure as hell am not going down without a fight, pregnant or not. The baby is fine. Something about this place tells me we need to leave. There is something wrong."

Lysandra turned to Evangeline, who I'd forgotten was with us, pulling her in between us. I was thankful I always carried a sword, in this case, two, as Rowan ordered, in case something happened. I also had five daggers hidden away, much less than normal, but it was getting harder to find places to put them that were easily accessible.

I stayed in front of them, using my training as an assassin to keep watch and listen for anything out of the ordinary. Those senses had kept me alive more times than I'd wish to count, and while I loathed Arrobyn for what he'd done to me, I was thankful for it.

We travelled silently, stopping only when my body couldn't move any further. Damn pregnancy. The quiet landscape made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, but I couldn't sense anything out of the ordinary.

This land was brimming with magic, so much so that I could feel it in my human skin. It pressed against the magic under mine, coiling in my bloodstream. I itched to change forms and use it, but I couldn't draw attention to us. It would have to stay hidden unless absolutely necessary.

"We aren't in Erilea anymore, are we?" Lysandra asked, taking a seat on a stump in the small clearing.

I shook my head. We were not. I remembered travelling through worlds as I forged the Lock.

This one felt familiar, but also not. I could remember an endless night, but not the scary kind. It was serene, filled with peace. I sensed this must be the same world, just a different land.

"I've been here before. My fire remembers it. When I forged the Lock, and I passed through worlds. This was one of them, but I flew through a different area. Safer. We should head there."

"How do you know which way to go?"

"I don't," I replied honestly. "But we can't stay here. Something's coming."

Indeed, something moved through the trees. Fast. The animals scurried for cover, but we had no time.

"Take Evangeline and go," I commanded, pushing myself to my feet.

"No, Aelin," Lysandra snapped, taking hold of my hands. "I'm not leaving you on your own."

I whispered angrily. "Yes, you are. If there is danger, you two cannot be seen. You have to get her out of here. Find the Land of Night. Someone helped me a year ago, I'm sure they'll help you. Please, as your Queen, I order you to do this. Protect her like you always have."

Lysandra scowled, but backed away. She shifted into her ghost leopard and allowed Evangeline onto her back. I knew they would be safe. I would take the dangerous route as I always had. As long as my family was safe, I would survive.

"Tell no one who I am, either of you. I am just the assassin you first met. Trust no one but those from the Night. Go."

I watched as they sped away, deeper into the trees. I let a small breath of relief through my nose before pulling Goldryn from its sheath without a sound. I stayed still, as the air around me.

And waited.

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