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It had been tempting to follow the other two scents, but he had to admit, the blonde human female intrigued him. Despite being heavily pregnant, she nearly took his head off with a quick swipe of her golden sword. His fae reflexes were all that saved his hide.

He would've have tested out her strength, but for the safety of all concerned, he ended their fight quickly, winnowing behind her and knocking her unconscious with the hilt of his sword.

He'd never met a human quite like her, not even Feyre. She'd been timid, as humans tended to be in their world. But this one wasn't. She hadn't shied away from the fact he was fae and had at least half a foot on her in height.

He gathered her in his arms and winnowed back to the manor. Tamlin was gone when he arrived, for which he was thankful. They still had a long way to go in repairing their relationship after everything that happened.

He took the girl to the living room and laid her on one of the sofas, as comfortably as he figured he could manage. Humans still made him wary, but after how he had treated Feyre, or not treated her, he supposed, this could be his chance to make up for his mistakes. Still, he would never fulfill the debt he owed.

He watched the girl for some time before Tamlin returned, nearly making him jump as the door slammed open. Thankfully, the girl stayed unconscious.

"What the hell is that?!" he snarled viciously, glaring at the girl from across the room.

"I found her not far from where the portal opened. I couldn't leave her there, so I brought her here," he replied. "She tried to put up a fight, but it was a lost cause."

Tamlin huffed gruffly, baring his canines. "Lock her in a room. Then you go find the other two."

Exactly how he wanted to spend his evening and likely, night.

He was thankful Tamlin allowed her to stay, but he almost felt bad for leaving her with him alone. Though it wasn't like she could go with him at the moment.

He'd return as soon as he could to check on her. Hopefully with the other two.

He just hoped Tamlin would leave her be.

The other two humans had been fairly simple to track, but much harder to catch than he would have thought. One was a shifter, and a very powerful one at that. And definitely did not let him near the girl on her back.

He had never seen an animal like the one she'd shifted into. A large, spotted cat that made him nervous. Exactly why she'd chosen the form, he assumed.

But it didn't stop him from giving a chase.

He forced her towards the rocky outcropping to the north, knowing he'd have a greater chance of catching them.

But he didn't expect her to leap onto the rocks and climb like she did. It made his planning a bit faulty, but he still had one surprise up his sleeve.

He winnowed above them as they neared the top, already swinging down with his sword. The fear in the cat's eyes nearly made him rethink his position, but it didn't matter.

His sword met rock and he scrambled to find purchase in the slippery stone. He looked behind him to the sky where the shifter was now, though as something much larger.

A mighty roar shook the rocks as he held on for dear life. But she left him alone, continuing further north.

He'd leave them be. As one person, he had no chance of catching them. Tamlin could piss off for all he cared. He wouldn't have had any better luck. For now, he would go back and check on the girl. And hope Tamlin had kept to himself.

He was exhausted by the time he winnowed into the manor. It was times like these he wished he had more magic, but he knew he didn't deserve it. He'd just practice more later.

He avoided Tamlin as he made his way up to the girl's room, thankful to see she was still where he'd left her. One of her hands had trailed to her large abdomen, protecting the small being inside. The other was tucked under her head. She looked so young and innocent.

She was in danger anywhere in Prythian. They were still working on the details of allowing humans into their world, but Tamlin hated them for all the trouble they had caused him.

He would talk to her in the morning, but until then, he had some news to break to the High Lord that might not end in his favor.

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