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A/N: Hey guys! Just an update. If I do not get another chapter out on this story this week, I will next week. I've gotta get ahead on writing them again. But, I also have two other stories that desperately need updating, so my focus will be on them for the next few days.

Stay safe and hope you enjoy this next chapter!

Lysandra had been gone for four hours. Each hour brought increasing worry. Had she been caught by these Valg creatures? We'd seen her take care of one with ease, but what if there were more?

A sharp cry pierced the air and we looked up to see her hawk form dive down, shifting before she hit the ground. She panted for breath as she looked up at us.

"Did you find her?" I asked, wrapping a soft, cooling wind around her.

"Can we winnow or whatever it is you do?" she begged. "She's being followed by too many Valg for me to take on my own. She's moving this way, but her pace is too slow for us to get to her by sunset. I can get us to her by scent if we land behind them."

She had flown so fast. But this was her friend, her family. I would do the same for any of the Inner Circle.

I asked her to let me inside her mind. She was reluctant, but I promised only to look at what she showed me. We needed a specific place to land. Rhys understood her concern, and as soon as we landed deeper in the Court, Lysandra bolted off in leopard form. We took to the sky above her to watch her back.

She was much faster than we realized, and even Cassian and Azriel had to push their wings to their max in order to keep up with her. To help our cause, I pulled the wind to help speed us along. There were days I thoroughly enjoyed being able to pull from practically every magic possible.

A sudden roar sounded from below and she leapt off the path. I dove after her with Rhys on my tail. There were three Valg soldiers. I lit two of them on fire as she ripped the head from the third's shoulders. As an afterthought, I set him on fire, too. Better safe than sorry.

A horrific cry of pain split the air not far ahead of us. The shifter didn't stay to check for any other Valg, so I sent Azriel, Cassian, and Mor to check around. 

I followed Lysandra with Rhys at my side, Amren held close to his chest. My heart was racing. From fear or exertion, I wasn't sure, but whatever this threat was, it was here.

The scene we came upon was horrific.

I recognized the blonde fae from three months ago. Her mouth was open in a silent cry. Tendrils of smoke flowed from it, like she was burning from the inside out. She choked against the unnaturalness of it as Lysandra shifted at her side. With a wave of his hand, Rhys clothed her.

A deep laugh turned our attention away from the suffering female and towards a large Valg. In one hand, he held a massive sword dripping with blood. With a glance to the female, I noticed the cut along her left shoulder. Turning back to him, I noticed chains of iron in his other hand.

"Come to try again, shifter?" he snarled, not even paying us any attention.

"You made a terrible decision coming back," she growled in response, hovering protectively over her friend. "Prince."

His eyes glowed with mirth as he brought his sword to his lips and ran his tongue along it. His eyes met mine as he lowered the sword.

This thing was a Prince? Rhys looked as confused as I did. Amen's expression was carefully guarded, so I had no idea what she thought of the situation.

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