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We tried and failed to get answers from the shifter for the rest of the day, but she remained silent despite the fear that laced her eyes. All she said was that we had to rescue Celaena. That nothing else was more important.

As desperate as she was, we had an entire land to protect from these Valg creatures. She told me to burn it, so I had with a flick of my wrist. Her eyes had narrowed as the fire left my fingers, but said nothing.

Evangeline was finally able to lead her up to the room I'd given her. She was worried about her mother, but I knew better than to try to get any answers from her. If her mother wouldn't tell us what we wanted, she wouldn't either.

So we would wait until morning to get all the answers we needed.

I stopped Amren before she left the room. If any of us had an inkling of knowledge about the Valg, it would be her, considering she was from another world.

"Do you know anything about these creatures?"

"No, but I don't doubt the shifter," she acknowledged before leaving me to my thoughts.

Why couldn't our lives ever go by smoothly?

The following morning, the shifter and her daughter were already in the dining room when we arrived. Lysandra was still on edge as much as the night before. Evangeline was more subdued, but still offered a small smile.

Breakfast was tense. No one spoke and the food was picked at more than eaten. Lysandra whispered something to the girl when she was finished and she left the room without a glance to any of us.

"I will tell you anything you need to know about the Valg, but you have to help me rescue my friend," the shifter vowed.

"You do realize you do not have the power to give us orders," Rhys growled lightly.

"I don't care if you're High Lord or King of fucking whatever the hell you want," she snarled, claws digging into the table as a shift threatened to take over. "If you want any chance at defeating this threat, she comes first."

I was taken aback at the tone she spoke with. It was that of someone that cared deeply for her friend. And almost had an air of someone high ranking, and someone that was used to getting what she wanted. Tough luck, because the world did not always work like that.

"And why should we risk our lives for your friend instead of our home, our people?" I challenged.

"She is your best chance at saving this world," she hissed. Her eyes shifted down to her paws, which had clawed jagged lines into the wooden table. "And because she's pregnant."

Well, that complicated matters for sure. But I still wasn't positive this girl was worth the risk.

"Please," the shifter begged. "The baby is due soon. And if the Valg are truly here, she and her child are in grave danger."

"She's telling the truth," Azriel murmured from the corner.

Rhys sighed softly. "We will help you get her back. But we need more information. Truthful information."

Lysandra's shoulders dropped and her paws vanished. "Deal."

"Who are you really?" he asked.

"Lady Lysandra Ashryver of Caraverre," she replied. "Look, can we do this on the way? Evangeline mentioned time works differently here. She cannot have the baby alone."

"Where were you separated?" Mor inquired, hoping to keep the tension from spiking again.

"I don't know," she responded tightly. "Not far from where the portal dropped us. The land reeked of flowers and is south of the Summer Court."

The Cauldron must really hate us all, me in particular.

"That, damn it all, is the Spring Court," I groaned. "We'll head to the border of the Court in half an hour. That is the worst one to be stuck in."

That information seemed to worry the shifter even more. "I don't care what I have to do, but she has to come with us today."

Thirty minutes later, we were all gathered in the living area. Amren wouldn't take no for an answer, so she was joining us. Cassian would be staying with Evangeline, which I wasn't sure how good of an idea that was. Who knows kind of fighting techniques he'd force her to learn. Lysandra paced the floor in ghost leopard form, as Evangeline told us. But we were finally ready.

Tarquin had been alerted, so the area was silent when we arrived. The Valg scent was much stronger as we passed over the border. Everything was too quiet.

Lysandra didn't wait, quickly darting into the undergrowth. She hadn't said much of importance about Celaena, but that she was blonde and had turquoise eyes with a ring of gold around her pupil. And she was human.

Which struck me as odd, considering she was fae when she flew across the sky. I suppose we'd get our answers later.

She had given us one vital warning before darting way. If we found Valg, behead them or set them on fire. Do not give them the chance to dig into our mind. Apparently, they fed off a person's worst memories and pain.

It made me nervous because we had enough of that to around.

Everything remained quiet as we moved deeper into the Spring Court. I wished the birds would at least chirp. Make it feel as if we weren't being followed. Lysandra stuck close, though I knew she itched to move faster. Thankfully, the Valg scent faded completely a few miles inside the border.

It was still unsettling.

Suddenly the leopard was gone and in its place was a falcon. She sped off before we could stop her. We had no choice but to continue on foot, just in case the girl was trying to find her way out. I sent up a silent prayer the Tamlin did not have her in his clutches.

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