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No one came into the cell the rest of the day, nor during the night. The guard I'd knocked unconscious was gloriously pissed when he woke and gave me a wicked black eye in return. I tried to attack him after, but the chains kept him out of my reach.

I wanted nothing more than to shift and raze this place to the ground, but I still didn't know what sort of risks that would pose. The chains, I'd realized after some time, were made of ash wood, which was odd, but I figured it was similar to iron in my world.

Having the guards in the cell with me had been awkward. In general, I wouldn't mind so much, having been used to having my body on display in varying states of undress, but I hated to appear so weak and uncoordinated in front of them. And I'd made enemies out of them, something I excelled at, given my general disposition. Not everyone could stomach my impeccable looks and fiery attitude.

By dawn, I was shaking with exhaustion, but I could not risk sleeping. I did not trust myself being that vulnerable around these guards, nor Tamlin, should he decide to grace me with his presence.

It had been a night filled with the horrors of the past few years. Especially my time spent with Maeve. Locked in the dark with my thoughts and pain. Perhaps this was the gods final punishment for me after sending them to hell.

Fire raced through my veins, itching to be let free. These chains did not snuff it out like I assumed they were supposed to. I almost hated that because I could even feel the power in my human form. This world's magic was more potent, and it drove me nuts. It was closing in on unbearable.

But I could not let it out. Not unless I had no other choice. It was another reason my fire was overflowing. I'd been avoiding using it as much as possible. Just a little here and there to keep from burning myself from the inside out.

Yrene had warned that great expenditures of my magic could prove harmful for both me and the baby. My control had wavered greatly the first few months, so much so that she and Rowan were both there to help. Until it was dangerous for her to help magically, considering she had been pregnant for the beginning of mine. Once it was safe for her to use her magic again, she stayed close in case I needed help. Now, I was afraid of the complications that could arise without her here to help.

The door creaked open and Lucien stepped inside.

"Leave us," he told the guards.

They did not move. Probably Tamlin's doing.

"I won't let her go. You can even stay outside the door. But at least give her some sort of privacy for ten minutes," he groaned, baring his short canines.

The guard I'd knocked out narrowed his eyes at the two of us, but pushed the other out the door. I supposed it was a plus.

"I'm sorry about what happened," he apologized softly. "I brought you some food and water. He's always been hard to deal with, but now it's practically impossible."

I said nothing as he handed over the food, but I sure didn't stand on ceremony, quickly digging into the meal. It wasn't as much as I could eat on a normal day, but he didn't know that. I'd take what I could get.

"Why are you helping me?"

"I owe several people." he answered, running a hand through his red locks. So similar to Arrobyn, and yet, more beautiful. "I've stood aside while others needed help, but no more. I can't get you out of here yet, but I can at least bring you food and check on you."

His eyes were honest. Brutally so. He truly felt terrible for whatever he had or hadn't done. Perhaps I could trust him.

"My name is Celaena," I told him, handing him back the plate and glass.

He smiled. "It's a start. I'll come back when I can. And I promise to get you out of here as soon as possible."

I believed him, but I offered him no words as he turned and left. My two guards immediately resumed their posts the second he was out the door.

I would bide my time, or what little I had left. I would only have one shot, and I could make no mistakes.

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