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He supposed he could have treated Yrene better, but he absolutely hated to be babied. He had been bloodsworn to Maeve for centuries and was the most powerful full-blooded fae male in Erilea. He could handle the pain.

Not that he'd ever admit it, but his body had been much more sore and unwilling to cooperate than he'd expected. Though, he knew the uncontrolled shifting was the root cause of that issue. Now he understood what Aelin had gone through just a few years ago in Mistward and could no longer say it wasn't that painful.

The doors to the throne room slammed open, causing him to jolt up in surprise, his magic at his fingertips.

He cringed as Manon stormed into the room with Asterin on her tail. Her sharp iron nails and teeth were on full display as she stalked towards him. Everyone in the room backed away fearfully.

Though she was a friend, most people were still terrified of the witches.

And while he could kill her with a wave of his hand, she was as terrifying as his wife (more so in his opinion, though he'd never tell Aelin that) if she got close enough.

And this time, she did. Before his brain could fully comprehend it.

She hauled him off the throne and slammed him against the wall. Fenrys and Aedion were ready to rip her away, but he waved them off.

"Why the hell am I just hearing about this now?!"

He winced as her nails dug into the skin of his neck. "It wasn't like we meant to leave you out of it, but we didn't want it to be public knowledge."

"Well, it became common knowledge when you lost your gods damned mind and your citizens spread the rumor," she snarled, shoving him harder against the wall.

"I'm sorry you weren't immediately told," he choked, taking hold of her wrist in his hand. "But could we discuss this in a more civilized manner?"

She growled at him, but released her grip on his throat. None too gently either. He rubbed the area and glared at her, motioning outside the throne room with his other hand. She stormed past him and he followed, with a quick glance to Lorcan and Fenrys, who turned back to the people cowered in the room.

Aedion followed behind them. Rowan knew there was no point in stopping him from following. And he really did not feel like fighting anyone right now.

He said nothing until they were outside in the gardens. The air was cold and Manon's iron teeth threatened to drop again, but he threw up a shield to keep the bitter wind away. He did not want too many people to hear this discussion.

A sharp banging on his shield made him wince. He turned to see Asterin glaring daggers at it. Before she could run her nails down it, he opened it and allowed her inside. Damn witches.

"Whitethorn, it's been twenty seven days and I'm just hearing about this now," the Queen hissed. "Three days ago. Dorian's been out of his mind with worry but cannot come because both Chaol and Yrene are already here and he does not wish to leave his kingdom to anyone else just yet. So, why are they still here if Aelin is gone and the baby not in her hands anymore?!"

"Well, who did you leave in charge?" he snapped in return. She did not need to provoke him. Just because he did not wish to fight, didn't mean he wouldn't.

"Petrah," she answered lowly. "You should be thankful Asterin was told to stand down. She would not have had so much restraint."

If he'd have looked to the witch behind them, he would have seen her smile, her iron teeth proudly on display. But he didn't. That's not to say he couldn't feel exactly what she was doing.

"Typical," Aedion groaned.

Manon whipped her head over to him and he threw his hands up in surrender. Honestly, would they ever be able to have a simple conversation without going for anyone's throat?

"The rest of the Thirteen are awaiting my orders. I need you to tell me everything you know," she demanded.

He did not hesitate any longer. He told her everything they knew and where they'd searched. That no kingdom had found any sign of any of them. He even offered to take her to the very spot they'd disappeared. Despite the amount of time that had passed, perhaps she might notice something they hadn't.

As soon as that conversation was done, he dropped the shield and motioned for them to head inside. He followed behind them. He still had yet to grow used to being King. Or Prince consort he supposed. But for now, King.

He stopped mere feet from the door. He noticed the three of them turn to him, but he could barely see them. Even as they stepped in front of him and tried to get him to focus on them.

The mating bond grew taut. He'd only known it was there when he reached for it, but now it was pulled so tight he felt it would snap. He tugged hard on it, praying it would not break. He knew she was alive, but that was it. He couldn't live with himself if it snapped. If she died.

But then, it leveled out and went quiet.

And then, for the first time in nearly a month, he heard her. His wife. His mate. His carranam.

"Rowan, I don't know if you can hear me, but she's finally here. I told you it was a girl, Buzzard, but you never did believe me. Gods, she looks just like you. I'm sorry."

He fell to his knees and wept. Aedion kneeled down in front of him while Manon and Asterin looked unsure. Worried, but wary. They were both much closer to Aelin than they were anyone else in this court, besides Elide.

"What is it, Rowan? What's wrong?" Aedion begged of him, shaking his shoulders in an attempt to get him to speak.

"She's here," he cried. "She's here."

"Who's here? Aelin?"

"The baby." He gave a watery smile. "It's a girl."

He barely paid attention as Aedion hauled him to his feet and pulled him inside, with the witches guarding their backs. Not that they had anything to protect them from here, but it was still thoughtful.

He was a father now.

His attempts to find them would only triple. He wanted to see his newborn daughter. And his mate. Aedion wanted his wife and daughter back. Even he had to admit, he missed the shifter. And Evangeline, whom Aelin had grown fond of.

He tried to speak to her, as she'd done him. Something that surprised him because they could not speak mind to mind. Not really.

But the bond was silent. Sleeping almost.

He would find them, even if it killed him. And with Manon and the Thirteen at their backs, he knew they would find a way, together. To save the four of them.

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