Important Update

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**This note will be in my two other current stories**

Hello all!

I am so terribly sorry about being so inactive on here for the past several months. I know it's sad and frustrating for all of you, and for myself as well. It was never my intent to leave you hanging like that.

As much as it pains me to write it, for now, this story, as well as my Black Widow Origin Story, and Romanogers Stories will be ON HOLD.

My plan is to finish each of these stories in the future, and hopefully I'll be able to continue writing on them in the next two to three months. But for now, I hardly have any free time.

I'm lucky if I get one day off a week, and sometimes it's ten days to two weeks before we get a day off because we are so busy. And I can't really complain about that too terribly much. I know a lot of people are struggling to balance multiple jobs, families, and such, or even trying to get a job. But my days off tend to be finishing things that need to be done or taking care of my family, so any sort of writing has been extremely difficult.

I want to write and update these stories for you guys, but at this moment, I cannot feasibly do that without half assing it. And I find that terribly unfair for you, the readers. I want these stories to be the best I can make them for you, and now just isn't the time for me to be able to do so.

I, once again, apologize that I have to do this, but I wanted you to know why I've come to this decision, rather than remain silent and inactive.

You guys are so amazing and supportive, and I hope you find the time to relax and have time for yourselves amongst everything we have to do in our lives.

Your fellow reader and writer,


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