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Ochako sat happily in the living room of their house, watching TV with Eri cuddled up to her as they waited for Izuku to get home.

As they watched whatever anime Eri had put on, something about a high school club for people to make friends, Ochako couldn't help but relish in the life that she now had.

Not only did she having a loving husband whom she had been married to for about a year and a half now, she also had a young girl who was her adopted daughter, and a house which she shared with the two of them. Her life had taken such a drastic change from when she had met Izuku just over two years ago now, that it was sometimes difficult to imagine that there was a time where she didn't know them.

Ochako had gone from barely even wanting to be in a relationship at all, even questioning if she really needed to be in one to begin with, to living the way she now did, with the two most important people in her life. Now, looking at the clock, Ochako could barely wait for Izuku to get back home, as there was something she desperately needed and wanted to tell him.

She could barely believe it herself at first. In fact it almost seemed like something out of a dream to her. But it was that dream-esque feeling that made her realize that it really was from a dream. It was some of the most intense de-ja-vù that she had ever felt, and yet it made her happier than words could explain when she realized the source of her de-ja-vù was a dream that she had several times before her and Izuku had gotten married.

"What's so funny Mama?" Ochako looked down at Eri who had a big smile and questioning look on her face while looking at her mother.

"What do you mean sweetheart?" Eri looked mostly confused now.

"You were just smiling and giggling. Did you think of a funny joke?" Ochako hadn't even realized that she was giggling to herself, much less loud enough for Eri to notice it.

"No, not any jokes. But I do have something I want to tell you and Papa when he gets home from work, and I'm really excited to tell you guys." Eri's face lit up with the same excitement Ochako figured was beaming off her own face.

"Really?? What is it Mama??" Ochako chucked at her daughter's enthusiasm.

"Like I said Eri, I'll tell you when Papa gets home from work. Okay?" Eri, although slightly disheartened, persisted to beg for this secret knowledge that she would be learning soon anyways.

"Please tell me now! I really want to know what it is!" Ochako chuckled once more.

"Would it be very fair to Papa if I told you before him? Cause this technically involves him more than it does you, so... maybe you don't need to kn-"

"Okay Mama! I'll wait I promise! So please tell me too still!" Ochako grinned a wide toothy grin.

"Alright. I guess I'll still tell you when I tell Papa... but only if you promise to help me do the dishes tonight." Ochako watched Eri's jaw practically hit the floor. The young girl wiped off the look of shock and gave Ochako the best puppy eyes she could muster.

"I guess Mama... but only cause it means you'll tell me the secret still..." The look in the young girl's eyes was one that tried to shoot daggers of guilt through her mother, but those daggers only made it halfway through.

"Okay. How about this. You still help me with the dishes, and I still tell you the secret, but we also go get some apple mochi icecream tomorrow with Papa on his lunch break?" Eri shot back up at her mother's proposal.

"Deal!" The young girl shot her hand out, which Ochako gladly excepted and shook as a sign of agreement on their deal.


"What's a deal? Is Eri trying to gamble again?" Both Ochako and Eri looked over to see Izuku walking into the living room.

"Papa!!" Eri ran up to her father and jumped into his arms. "Yay! Now that Papa is home you can tell us the secret Mama!" Izuku kissed Eri on the cheek.

"Alright, hop down kiddo, I'm gonna fall over." Izuku helped Eri back onto the sturdy floor. "So what does she mean 'tell us the secret'?" Ochako grabbed the remote abs turned off the TV.

"Well, why don't you both come sit down first?" She patted the couch next to her as the father-daughter duo walked over and sat down. "Alright. Well I guess the best place to start would be this morning." Izuku raised an eyebrow.

"What happened this morning?"

"I'm getting there, now slow your roll." Izuku chuckled.

"Alright. Go ahead." Ochako smirked before continuing.

"Well, when I woke up this morning I was feeling kinda nauseous, so I took some nausea medicine, and while I was doing that I got a really strong sense of de-ja-vù. Then after you went to work, me and Eri stopped by the store to grab some stuff, and I realized where my de-ja-vù was coming from. So I grabbed a little something at the store, and used it right when we got home."

"What wa-" Izuku was cut off by his daughter.

"But you went potty right when we got home Mama." Izuku's eyes went wide with realization.

"Was it a-" Ochako held back a grin as she nodded her head and reached into her pocket, from which she pulled out a little white device with a bit of blue on the end, and a small screen in the middle. Ochako turned the small device so that the screen was facing Izuku, as she spoke with a massive smile and tears in her eyes.

"I'm pregnant!"
Thank you to everyone who read this story! Sorry it took so long for me to get the epilogue out, I just got so busy with other things, and even started another fanfic, which caused me to forget that I hadn't even written this epilogue, let alone published it. But it was brought to my attention earlier that I hadn't written the epilogue yet, so I figured I'd crank it out and get it done (thanks to @NataliaStefenowski for pointing it out to me!) I hope you all enjoyed, and maybe I'll see you guys in some of my other stories! Bye guys!

Word count: 1128

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