Surprise visit

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               Waking up in the morning was something that Ochako found to be much harder now that she had a sleeping Eri on her side, keeping her warm. Call it motherly instinct, but all Ochako wanted to do was just pull Eri in closer and go back to sleep. Problem though, was that it was currently 8:25am, which meant that her alarm would be going off in five minutes to wake them up.

            Ochako chose to wait it out so that she could continue cuddling with the little girl. So, she layed there, not wanting to move, just soaking up the warmth and joy of her daughter sleeping in her arms. Eventually though, and to her dismay, the alarm went off, telling both of them that it was time to wake up.

             Once Ochako moved to turn it off, Eri began to stir beneath her. When Ochako moved back, the white haired angel sat up and looked at her.

             "*Yawn* Good morning Mama..." Eri rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

             "Good morning sweetheart. Did you sleep well?" Eri gave her a bright smile and nodded at her.

            "Yup! I slept amazing!" Eri was beaming with joy as she smiled.

            "Well, good! Because so did I, especially since I was cuddled up to the comfiest little girl in the world!" Ochako then went straight for Eri's sides tickling away, which caused said little girl to essentially go rag doll with laughter.

           After about 5 minutes of a tickle war between the two of them, and some very sore sides, they both conceded, and decided to start getting ready for the day.

         Once they were both ready, Ochako checked with Eri one last time that she didn't need to use the bathroom, and when she said she didn't, they made their way downstairs. As Ochako reached the bottom step, she heard something that she never expected to. It was an all too familiar voice, and not in a bad way, quite the opposite actually.

         It was the voice of her mother, which was usually quite soothing to her, but when she realized that Eri was right behind her, and she contemplated how her mother might react, she froze in place.

         "What's wrong Mama?" Eri could tell something was up, which Ochako was mentally cursing for.

         "Ummm... h-how about we go meet Papa late-"

         "Is that you Ochako?" She was cut off by her mother's question. What happened next though, she could not have been less ready for.

         "Don't worry! Me and Mama are just standing on the stairs! We'll be there in a minute!" Ochako stared in shock at Eri, who was lucky to not know what she had just done to her mother-figure. Ignorance is bliss, as they say...

         Before Ochako had the chance to turn and run, her mother was already at the base of the stairs, looking at both girls, with a confused look on her face.

         "Mama?" That was the only word that managed to escape Rei Uraraka's lips.

         "Yup! This is my Mama! I came to stay the night last night, and we're currently headed to-" Ochako covered her mouth before she could say anything else. Meanwhile, her mother stood there in silence for a minute before finally speaking.

        "I think I need to go sit down for a minute... I'm having hallucinations of a little girl calling my daughter 'Mama'." Before she could go though, Eri moved Ochako's hand and spoke again.

        "She is my Mama! She's my Mama, and my Papa is Izuku Midoriya, which makes me Eri Midoriya!" Rei perked up at that.

        "Papa? You have a Papa? And his name is Izuku?" She gave Ochako a suddenly devilish smile before looking at the little girl again.

         "You said your name is Eri? Could you tell me more about your parents Eri?"

• • •

        A half hour and one red faced Ochako later, and Rei finally had the details of what had happened lately. She found out about the night Ochako stayed at Izuku's house, and how Eri "adopted" Ochako as her mother, how Izuku and Ochako stared dating, and how Eri ended up staying the night.

       Eventually though, Ochako knew that she needed to cut the conversation in order to be able to take Eri to the pet store so she could head home with Izuku.

        "Well, it was nice to see you mom, but I have to take Eri to Izuku by the time he gets done at work, so-"

         "Oh, well I have some business in town anyway, so I'll join you." Ochako's heart stopped. Nonono-

         "Oh, uh... no, that's alright..."

         "Aww, why not Mama? Can grandma please come with us? I'm sure Papa would like to meet her!" Ochako watched her mother's face melt with happiness at being called grandma.

        "Ok. But only because you asked so nicely. And I'm sure grandma," she lingered on it for a moment "asked because she wants to spend more time with you, so who am I to stop her?"

        "You really think so!?" Eri looked eagerly to Ochako, then to Rei, who smiled at her widely.

        "Why else would I want to come with? I just found out that I have an adorable granddaughter, so I want to be able spend as much time with you as possible kiddo. Plus, if we're headed out to town, then it's my job as a grandma to-" Ochako glared at her knowing exactly what she was gonna say next. "Well, you'll see."

        With that, the three of them headed off into town. The entire time, Eri was happily telling the two of them about school, and her friends, and all the things that a happy 8-9 year old might talk about. This made Ochako realize something, which caused her to speak without thinking.

       "How old are you Eri?" The young girl, who had been laughing with her new grandma, just went silent. Ochako then realized what she said. "O-oh, I uh... I mean-"

        "I'm seven Mama." Ochako looked at her surprised. Surprised by the fact that Eri had a massive smile on her face, and because of how old she is.

        "That means that Papa adopted you when you were atleast four..." Ochako was practically whispering. She then thought of another thing. "When is your birthday Eri?"

         "December 21st." The three of them turned to see Izuku standing in front of them, locking the pet store. "I was worried you might try and keep her for another night and force me to have another relaxing day of lounging at home, but I guess not."

        Eri rushed up and hugged his waist. Izuku reached down to lift her up onto his side, before looking up to see not only Ochako, but a woman who he only assumed was her mother, which made him freeze in place. Eri noticed his sudden awkwardness and, being the curious child she is, questioned it.

        "What's wrong Papa? You're acting awkward all of a sudden." While Eri's comment was completely innocent, Ochako and Rei both started laughing, which confused Eri even more. "What? It's true! Papas all stiff, like a wooden board!"

        Ochako and her mother only continued to laugh while Eri kept questioning it, as Izuku only stood there in silence, not quite sure how to process the situation he had found himself in.
Thanks for reading! I had a couple ideas about what I wanted to do with this chapter, but realized that my other ideas fit better further along, and could probably be used for the next couple chapters! One thing I really wanted to do, though, was the surprise visit from one of, if not both of Ochako's parents, so I decided to work that as the focus of the chapter! I also wanted to establish just how old Eri is, which can hopefully make some of the things she does make atleast somewhat more sense! Special thanks to everyone who has voted for the story, or added it to their reading lists! I'll see you guys next time!

Word count: 1372

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