Sleepover with Mama

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              Ochako couldn't help but smile as she watched Eri run around her dorm room, looking at all the things Ochako had set up on the walls, on the dressers, and so forth. Eri then found one thing in particular that grabbed her attention. She ran up to the small object on the bed side desk, admiring it. Ochako walked up with a grin as she spoke.

            "I see you've spotted my jewelry box. Do you like it?"

            "Uh-huh. Especially this necklace Mama." Eri lifted up a small necklace that had a sea shell pendant on it. The shell was a light pink conch that led to a white point. The shell itself was no bigger than the tip of Ochako's pinkie.

            Ochako had been given it by her mother when she was Eri's age. This gave her an idea.

             "You really like that one sweetheart?" Ochako could barely hold back her grin as she spoke.

             "Yeah, I do. It's really pretty Mama, just like you!" Ochako's heart melted at the comment, which only made her smile that much bigger.

             "Well then, since you like it so much, and because it looks super pretty like you, you can have it." Eri spun in place to look at her with the biggest smile Ochako had ever seen.

            "Really? Are you sure Mama?"

            "Yup. But there's one condition." Eri got a serious look on her face.

             "Anything Mama!" Ochako continued to smile at her pseudo-daughter.

             "Alright. When you get older, and you have kids of your own someday, then when your daughter turns 10, you need to give that necklace to her. Ok?" Eri gave her a confused look.

            "I will Mama, but... Why?"

            "Well, because when I was your age is when my Mama gave that necklace to me. So, I figured that we might as well make a tradition out of it." Eri looked at her with confusion and awe.

            "What's a tradition?"

            "Well, a tradition is something that you do over and over on a certain occasion or day. Like a holiday. Someone started doing Christmas a long time ago, and then every year since people have celebrated it." Eri was filled with wonder that had her clinging to every word.

            "Wow! That's really cool Mama! Ok, I promise to keep the tradition!" Eri smiled at Ochako as big as she could.

            "Alright, good! Now, let's go get some lunch then, cause after all the excitement today, I'm starved. Sound good?" Before Eri had a chance to reply, her stomach spoke for her, letting out an audible rumble. "I'll take that as a yes."

• • •

             After they ate, Ochako had to go back to class, which meant she had Eri stuck to her side while she did her work. A couple of the teachers, such as Ms. Kayama (A/N, this is midnight's real name) had offered to help Eri do some basic versions of the classwork that would be about her level.

             Eventually though, classes came to an end, and the two of them went back to Ochako's dorm room. When they got there, Ochako got an apple for Eri to snack on while she worked on setting up the DVD player she had on her room. Once she finally had it set up though, there was a knock on the door.

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