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         There she was. Ochako was sitting in the bath tub, in the back of a pet store, with her clothes drying down the hall, with the only other person in the entire building being a guy that she just met maybe 30 minutes before hand. Although she trusted Midoriya, he still hadn't given her reason to, and she still questioned how she could have possibly ended up in her current situation.

         Regardless, here she was, and there was no getting out of it. Her bath, albeit not the one she wanted to be taking at the bath house, was still amazing. The water was nice and hot, allowing her to just relax, which was exactly what she had been hoping to do.

          All of a sudden, a knock came from the bathroom door, which she had promptly blocked with a chair after locking it.

         "The dryer cycle just finished Uraraka!" He said it through the door, just loud enough for her to hear.

         "Thanks Midoriya!" She shouted it to him to make sure he could hear her.

• • •

          After Ochako had finished her bath and gotten changed into her clothes, she walked outside with Midoriya as he locked up the shop. The overhang to the pet shop was the only thing keeping them dry at the moment. Realizing this, Ochako looked at the ground dejectedly, knowing that she would have to walk in the rain once more. Seeing how upset she was, Midoriya spoke up.

        "Here, you can use my umbrella. I have a spare at home, and it won't bug me too bad to get a little wet. So go ahead, take it." She looked at him like he was crazy. There was no way she was going to just take his umbrella from him and leave him to walk in the rain.

         "No way Midoriya. I'm not just going to take your umbrella. How about this, my dorms are nearby, we can head there while sharing it and then you head home. Sound good?" Ochako was somewhat hoping he would say yes, as she wanted to spend more time with this cute stranger.

         "Normally I would, but I have to be home soon. I have someone... waiting." He had a look on his face like he had just made a mistake. He has a girlfriend? N-not that I care... but why is he acting so suspicious?

       "Look Midoriya, if you have a girlfriend waiting at home it's not that big of a dea-"

       "It's not a girlfriend... Look, can we just change the subject? Not to be rude..." Yup. He was hiding something. A friend who was freeloading or not on the rent maybe?

        "Alright. I'll drop it. Still though, we both have places to be, and only one umbrella to use. Since you need to be home more urgently than I have to be back to my dorm, how about we head there first, and Monday after classes I'll stop by the pet store and drop off your umbrella. That work for you?" She wasn't going to give an inch about him walking in the rain. Seeing that he had no other option, Midoriya finally gave in.

         "Alright. Well the train leaves soon so we better get going."

• • •

        Once they had gotten of the train, they continued the walking part of their trip, with light conversation the entire time. Eventually, they arrived at his house. Seeing no car in the driveway, Ochako questioned him.

       "Are your parents gone right now? Or are you living on your own?"

       "My mom works from 1:00 to about 10:00 at night, so we probably just missed her." The fact that he didn't mention his dad was enough for Ochako to know she probably shouldn't ask about him.

       "Well, that's a shame. It would be nice to meet the woman who raised such a gentlemen. Well let's get you inside and I'll get going." She stepped forward before he stopped her.

       "I'd rather you didn't. G-go i-in that is... I can walk the rest of the way from here. It's just a few more steps after all." He tried to convince her, but failed miserably, and could tell he had.

       "Ok. I won't come in, I promise. But I'm atleast walking you to the door."

       "Fine..." He sighed in defeat, understanding that if he didn't give her this, he risked offending her, which was the last thing he wanted to do.

       The two of them walked forward, getting up to the door, where before Midoriya could even touch the door, it flew open revealing a little girl, about 7 or 8 years old, with white hair, standing there with a big smile in her face.

      "Is this your sis-" before Ochako could finish her sentence, let alone thought, the little girl darted forward, hugging Midoriya, and spoke up.

       "Hi Papa! How was work today? Ooh, who's the pretty girl? Is she your girlfrie-"

       "Ok Eri, that's enough out of you. Plus I've told you before not to go outside when it's raining unless you have an umbrella and coat on! I don't want you to catch a cold."

         "Sorry Papa, I was just so happy to see that you finally got home!"

         Ochako stood behind them, not really understanding what had just happened. He's a father?! Then does that mean he was referring to his wife? No, that's not possible, he seems like he's about my age. What if he's in his twenties? And if he is my age, how old was he when he had her? What's going on?!?!

         "Well... I'm just gonna go now..." Ochako was about to turn around when the little girl he had called Eri stopped her.

         "But it's raining! You'll catch a cold if you go! Ooh! You should stay and we could all have some soup for lunch and wait for the rain to stop!" Ochako tried her hardest not to be rude to the little girl, seeing as how there was no way an 8 year old understood just how serious something like what she had just said was.

         "That sounds really nice, but I don't think your Mama would be very happy if she saw another- what's wrong?" She stopped when she saw Eri had a look like Ochako had hit her dog. Midorya spoke up.

        "I... Eri... Look it's a long story, one that I was hoping to avoid. Come inside and I'll explain everything." Ochako could tell that she had hit a sore spot for both Midoriya and Eri. She nodded and walked inside with them.

        When they all got in, they went to the living room, where Midoriya and Eri sat on the couch, with Eri holding into Midoriya as tight as she could, and Ochako sitting across from them in the chair. Ochako went to apologise.

        "I'm sorry... I should have ju-"

        "No, it's alright. You probably have questions, and you deserve answers." He showed her a weak smile as he continued to rub his daughter's back. "How should I start? Hmm. Well, first of all, you should know that Eri isn't my daughter."
Thanks for reading! I decided to upload this chapter on the same day as the first one, because I just couldn't wait to get it written and out of the way! Thanks once again to M_Spriggs for allowing me to adopt this story and I hope that you enjoy where I take it from here! I'll see you guys next time!

Word count: 1282

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