Invasion of privacy

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            "Well Ochako? Are you gonna explain or what?" Hagakure cried out anxiously. Somehow, the girls had managed to corner Ochako in her room, with them all sitting on her floor, starting at the brunette expectantly.

            "I already told you girls, it's not like that!" She tried to defend herself but fell short.

            "If it isn't, then why was that little girl calling you 'Mama'?" Mina was determined to get the answers she wanted.

            "It's complicated ok! She doesn't have a mother figure so she was probably imprinting on... me... or something like that!" She looked desperately to Momo for help, as she was the most reasonable out of Ochako's friends, but was instantly shot down.

           "Sorry Uraraka, I have to agree. Little kids, or human ones anyway, don't just imprint on a random person that they met. There's always a bond of trust and/or comfort that causes it." In other words, she calls you that because that's how she sees you.

           "Alright, alright. Last night, I heard Eri crying because the thunder woke her up, so I consoled her, and when she asked if she could sleep with me, I may or may not have pulled her in, covered us both up, and fell asleep cuddling with her. It's what any of you would do!" She finally seemed to gain some upper ground with that last statement, as all the girls just kind of nodded agreeing that they would, indeed, do the same.

           "Ok, fine. Now we know why the little girl likes you. But I think we can all agree that the guy has the hots for you though!" The girls once again shared a nod of agreement. "So the question is Ochako, do you feel the same about him?"

           Ochako could feel her face heating up, and could only assume how much her complexion challenged a tomato at the moment. This, of course, led the girls to all give their little "ooooh"s as they knew that their  friend did indeed have some feelings for the boy who had offered so much help to her, and never asked for anything in return. I need to do something to repay him.

          "Spit it out Ochako. We can all tell by your reaction that you like him." Tsu was a very bluntly honest person, which is what Ochako both liked and disliked about her. She knew that Tsu couldn't really help it, but there were times where she wished that her friend would try just the slightest bit harder, and this was one of those times. Finally, she couldn't take it anymore.

              "I KNOW OK! I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW! Honestly though, I don't know how I feel about him. He's really cute, and sweet, and kind, and all around amazing, and Eri is like a little ball of adorableness! But at the same time though, I barely even know the guy, and part of me just doesn't know how to feel about him! Plus it's not like I can just go to the place he works at, walk up, and go 'hey I know we barely know each other, but you wanna be my boyfriend?'" To Ochako's dismay, she didn't realize that she had given away a very crucial detail to her friends, and this was something Mina made very clear.

           "So... you know where he works at, eh?" Ochako went pale. There was no getting out of this one. She'd gone this far, she might as well go full send with it.

• • •

           Ochako spent the next hour giving them the entire run down of the previous day, and how she ended up at Midoriya's house. She did manage to leave out the fact that he worked at a pet store though, and she might have changed the street that the store was even on...

           Finally though, when it started to get late, the girls decided they had gotten enough answers and that they would leave Ochako alone. They all filed out of her room, one by one, until Ochako was the only one left. She practically collapsed on her bed. After all it had been a long day worth of explanations and awkward moments. All she wanted to do now was take a nap.

          When Ochako rolled over in her bed, fully intending to take that nap, she grabbed her body pillow, cuddled up to it, and... nothing. Normally, wherever she would cuddle up to her body pillow, she would end up passing out within a few minutes, but as she lay there, wide awake, for about a half an hour, it became immediately clear that her body pillow wasn't gonna do the trick this time.

           So, she layed there. Wondering just what could possibly be making it so difficult to pass out while cuddling with her over sized pillow. Eventually though, she was drawn out of her thoughts by the sound of a knock on her door, followed by the voice of Momo.

           "Ochako, dinner is ready!"

           "Alright, thanks Momo!" The brunette felt an immediate sense of deja vú, as if she had this same conversation before. Then, it hit her.


             "Uraraka, the dryer is done!"

             "Alright, thanks Midoriya!"

*flashback ends*

              The context wasn't anywhere near being the same, but the sentences were put together so similarly that it astonished Ochako. She smiled at the memory before shaking it off and getting up to go eat.

• • •

             Dinner at the dorms was never anything overly fancy, and that showed tonight as well. Ochako got down stairs to find a simple curry that had more or less been thrown together

            This didn't really bother Ochako though, she enjoyed having simple meals. That, by no means though, meant that she wouldn't mind having a fancy dinner, particularly on a date... with Midoriya at that. I would enjoy going on a date with him. We could go to the movies... ooh, and maybe karaoke, and then finish the night off by going to dinner at-

           "Ochako! Come on girl, I've been asking you to pass me a napkin for like, five minutes now! Where is your head girl?" Hagakure looked at her like she was crazy, before she finally understood what was going on.

          "Oh! Right, sorry! I guess I was in La la land, thinking abo-"

          "Midoriya I'm assuming!" Ochako just about did a spit take, or would have if she was drinking water that is.

         "W-w-what?!?! N-no I was just... just..."

         "Oh come on girl, we can all tell you would rather be on a date with him. Either that or you're imaging what a date with him would be like."

         Yet again, Ochako found herself in a situation where there was no foreseeable escape any time soon. In other words...

          Ochako was in for a long night.
Thanks for reading! Sorry it took so long for this chapter to come out, I've been busy the last two days and haven't had much time to write! I hope you guys can forgive me, especially because I'm not going to be able to update as regularly as I have, I'm going to be busy the next few days as well, so just bear with me, and continue to enjoy the story! Also, sorry this chapter is kinda short, my lack of being able to write made it difficult to meet the regular word capacity! Special thanks to everyone voting and reading! I'll see you guys next time!

Word count: 1272

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