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           When Ochako woke up, something seemed different about her room. It seemed brighter than usual, especially considering that the curtains were still down. But it wasn't necessarily brighter as in light level, but in the sense of color vibrance, with everything having this small hue to it. She felt Eri stir in her arms somewhat, and then felt Eri relax as Izuku's arm, which was covering both Ochako and Eri, pulled the young girl in a bit more.

         Once Izuku did this, Ochako also tightened her grip on the girl, so that Eri was once again secure in her arms, and pressed somewhat up against Ochako's stomach and chest. This was then added onto by Eri herself, who rolled over so that she was now facing into Ochako, and positioned herself that much closer into her mother-figure.

         Loving every second of this, Ochako just contently sighed. It could be past noon for all I care, I don't ever want to leave this bed, I want to stay here with these two forever.

         She felt Izuku pull himself in closer to her, resting his head against the back of hers. He was now right in the spot where she could feel his breath on her neck, which had a slight tickling sensation to it. Just feeling his presence, and knowing he was right there beside her, made her feel so calm and happy, in a way that she never had before.

        Ochako then had an idea. It was going to be a little risky, but the pay off would be amazing if it worked. This sudden idea had been fueled by one thing. And that thing was the desire to kiss Izuku. She came up with a plan, and then set it into action.

        She started by holding Eri up against her, and then slowly rolling onto her back, taking Eri with her, which put the young girl directly on top of Ochako. Said teen then checked to make sure both Eri and Izuku were both asleep. When she confirmed they were, she went into phase two of her plan, where she rolled over again, this time though to where she was now face to face with Izuku, and Eri was inbetween them.

      She felt Izuku pull on her back, bringing them both in more. Another check, and Ochako once again confirmed they were both asleep. Now was her chance. Izuku's face was only inches away from hers, and the thought of what she was about to do made her face burn red. She then felt Izuku's light breathing once again and calmed down.

        She looked at him, just studying his features, slowly leaning in as she did. She was only centimeters away from his lips, and she began to close her eyes. She felt their lips begin to touch lightly. It sent electricity up and down her spine. She took a deep breath, and without hesitation, leaned the rest of the way into the kiss, with both of their lips fully connected. She then felt the last thing she was expecting to when Izuku moved into the kiss as well. They spent a couple seconds like that before separating.

       She leaned back to see Izuku's eyes wide open, and staring at her, with a light smile on his face. She felt her face go up in temperature, before she tried to look away out of embarrassment, when Izuku's hand stopped her, and pulled her into another kiss. When they separated this time, his smile took up most of his face.

        "Please," he said in a soft voice. "never wake me up any other way. Ever. That was absolutely amazing." Ochako felt her worry melt away, and a smile grow on her face.

        "Deal." She gave her simple answer and leaned in for another kiss.

        Neither of the teens had noticed a certain white haired 7 year old stirring in their arms, who then sat up, looked at her parents and reacted how any 7 year old might react.

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