Going back home.

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        Izuku woke up once again on the couch, with Ochako in his arms, and Eri on top of them. Izuku wasn't quite sure how all three of them fit on the dang thing, but he wasn't about to complain either. It was nice to have the two of them so close to him.

        Plus, with all the antics of the previous day, being able to hold them close in general was wonderful. Izuku was genuinely surprised that Ochako's parents hadn't tried to kick them out of the house because of how Ochako had gone off on them. At the same time though, he figured that they hadn't kicked them out because they understood why Ochako got as mad at them as she did. After all, any parent would be pissed is someone made their kid cry.

        Regardless of how or why, Izuku was just glad that everything turned out alright in the end. Now all he had to worry about was Kanto, and wether or not he would give Izuku his blessing to ask Ochako to marry him. Now, of course he couldn't tell Ochako about his worry about that, so holding it in and waiting for an answer was killing him.

        Izuku looked at Ochako while she slept in his arms. He couldn't help but smile at her as she held onto him for dear life almost. Izuku pulled her in closer as soft as he could, and nuzzled his head against the back of hers. As he held her with his hand on her stomach, he felt her grab his hand and intertwine their fingers. She then pulled his hand up to her chest and sighed contently. Izuku then took a risk.

        He figured that Ochako was also awake for some reason, so wanting to find out if she was, he leaned forward and gave her a kiss on the back of her head. He heard Ochako giggle lightly, which he took as her being awake. She then turned her whole body, rolling over to face him. When she finished, they were face to face, and Izuku was looking into her chocolate brown eyes.

       "Hey handsome." Ochako began to whisper. "What are you doing awake at 1:00 in the morning?" Izuku smiled at her.

       "I could ask you the same, beautiful." She returned his smile.

       "Well, when I feel myself being pulled in by the most amazing person I know, I can't help but wake up and bring him in close to me as well." She continued to smile at him.

        Ochako pulled his hand into her chest once more, but with Izuku's palm facing towards her. She placed his hand on the left side of her chest, and fully up against her so that Izuku could feel her heart beat. When she looked up at Izuku, he wasn't the blushing mess that she expected him to be. He was blushing, yes, but it was more of a highlight on his cheeks.

         When Izuku saw that Ochako was looking directly at him, he leaned in and kissed her, which she melted into. As their kiss deepened, Izuku tested the waters and tapped his tounge against her bottom lip. When he did so, she opened up, and the two of them began to start more fully making out.

         They ended up parting so that they could breathe, and as they did so,  a light snore from Eri broke the silence between them, causing them both to start giggling.

        "She sure knows how to break the tension, huh?" Ochako whispered to Izuku as her giggles subsided.

        "Yeah, she really does. Even when she's asleep." They both smiled sillily at his comment. "Glad she does that sometimes though. Especially yesterday." Ochako nodded.

        "No kidding. After I yelled at my parents, the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. But then all of a sudden, she's just like 'What does sexual mean?', and boom! Tension gone." They both giggled some more, starting to doze back off in their new position.

• • •

        After everyone had woken up, Izuku, Ochako, and Eri spent the time that Ochako's parents were at work to  pack their things and watch some TV. When the Uraraka parents had gotten back, they all had an early dinner so that the three living in the dorms would be back on time. As everyone was headed out to the truck, Kanto stopped Izuku and waited for the others to clear out.

        "You know, yesterday was quite something. I never thought I would hear Ochako yell at me like that again.  When you first told me that she was like a mother to Eri, I honestly didn't believe you. But after what she said yesterday... Well, put simply, there's no question in my mind about it. I'm glad it's you who's with Ochako, because a lot of people nowadays would try to manipulate her and take advantage of her." Kanto smiled at Izuku. "Long story short though, you have my blessing. Please, keep making her as happy as you do."

        "I will, Kanto. I promise." The elder Uraraka man smiled and pat Izuku on the back.

        They walked out the front door and headed over to the truck where everyone said their final goodbyes. Izuku started the vehicle, and they all waved goodbye as he pulled out of the driveway, and started down the road.

        As they drove, it started to get darker and darker out, which quickly made it easy for Eri to fall asleep in the back seat. When she did so, Izuku saw her in the mirror and smiled, pointing it out to Ochako.

        "Look who passed out." The brunette turned to look at him before looking behind her to see Eri out cold in her booster seat.

        "Can't blame her, it's been a bit of a long day." Izuku smiled as he watched the road.

        "Well, if time flies when you're having fun, then it also slows when you're really bored." Ochako giggled.

        "Very true." Izuku thought back over the last couple days and his mind snagged on one memory in particular.

        "If you want to Ochako, we can stop by my parent's house and talk to them about transferring custody of Eri over to us." Ochako looked at him as he spoke, and contemplated his offer.

       "You know, I think I'll be able to wait a little longer."


       "Yeah. As nice as Eri legally being my daughter sounds, and as excited as I am for that to happen, I kinda just figured that I shouldn't rush it, you know? Cause' I know that I'm in it for the long run with you guys, so as long as she keeps calling me Mama, then there isn't anything that can say otherwise." Izuku grinned at her words. She's in for the long run, huh? Well, I guess I know what answer I'm gonna get when I'm on one knee.

        "I'm glad to hear that Ochako. And don't worry, cause me and Eri voted on it, and we're in it for the long run with you too. It was a unanimous decision by the way." Ochako laughed at his comment.

        "Glad to know. And I hope you realise, that your vote doesn't matter, cause you're stuck with me from now on, no matter what you do." Izuku couldn't hold back his smile.

         Off in the distance, they could see the city lights shinning in the darkness. As they drove on in happy silence, they finally made their way back to UA, where they grabbed all their stuff, grabbed the sleeping Eri, and made their way up to Ochako's room where they collapsed on the bed, falling asleep in each other's arms.
Thanks for reading! Sorry that this chapter is a little late, I've been busy the last couple days with yard work and school work! Also! I'm starting to work on writing an actual novel! I'm currently working on the rough draft, which I'm doing completely on a type writer, and from there I'll move things to digital for editing, and then submit it to a publisher! Obviously it's too soon to be getting overly hopeful about anything, but I am pretty confident! Special thanks to everyone who voted for last chapter! I'll see you guys next time!

Word count: 1411

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