Saturday shenanigans

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           It had been a week since Ochako had seen Midoriya and Eri. There had been times throughout the week where she had wanted to go see them, but with her classes going on and how bad it had been raining lately, the students weren't allowed to leave campus. Not even to go and see family.

         But, to Ochako's luck, things were starting to turn up. For the first time this week, it was completely clear out. The weather forecast for the day was also looking up in her favor, as there was no predicted rain for the next 48 hours or longer. This meant that Ochako would finally be able to go see Midoriya and Eri.

         So, not wanting to spend even a second too long, she got ready and darted up to Mr Aizawa's office. When she got there, she banged on the door, which opened almost instantly.

         "What do you want Uraraka? It's nine in the morning, surely you have better things to be doing." Her teacher sounded as tired and unenthusiastic as he always did.

         "Good morning Mr. Aizawa! I was wanting to know if, since the rain has stopped and all, if I could go into town to-"

          "Last time you went into town, you didn't show back up until the next day because you ended up staying at some boy's house, which caused me a mountain of paperwork. What makes you think I'll let you go?" There was a very noticeable hint of anger in his voice, just because of the paperwork he had to do, which he had reminded her about ALL WEEK LONG.

          "Well, I wasn't planning on telling you this since it's a private matter, but I'm starting to run low on my... girly health stuff... And it's that time of th-"

            "Borrow some pads from one of your friends, Uraraka. And if they don't have any you can use, you can go see the nurse about it." He froze her dead in her tracks before she could even get the whole thing out. She had one last option, and desperate times did call for desperate measures.

           "Yes, those are both very, very, viable options, but this is something kind of embarrassing, seeing as how I'm under stocked, and I'll need to go buy my own eventually, plus-"

           "Enough Uraraka. You're wasting my ti-"

           "If you don't let me go out into town, I'll report you to the principle saying that you're refusing me my right to privacy as a woman, and my right to be able to go purchase my own personal hygiene items." She finally managed to say her entire message for once, and this one shut Aizawa right up. He glared at her before saying one thing.

          "Back before curfew, or I'm assigning you a month of clean up duty every day, and putting you on house arrest. Understood?"

           "Yes sir!" Ochako turned around and walked out of her teacher's office happy to know that she had won.

            I feel terrible about it, but I do actually need to buy pads, so...

• • •

          By the time Ochako got to the pet store, she had finished shopping for her "lady products", and had safely hid them in her purse. She checked her phone to see that it was now 11:55, which meant that the pet store would be closing in five minutes. She took a step inside and was immediately met with two little arms wrapped around her waist.

         "Mama! I've missed you so much!" Eri tightened her hug on the brunette's waist.

         "I've missed you too Eri! And what are you doing here? I thought your Papa meets you at home after he's done working." She returned the small girl's hug and looked at her in a puzzling way.

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