A day of confusion and tears

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              Today had been a strange day for Ochako. First, classes got delayed, then, while she was in literacy, Ochako was called down to the principal's office. When she got there she saw none other than Eri sitting in front of the short principal, sipping a cup of tea. Ochako was then told that Eri had showed up alone, claiming to be looking for her. Now, Ochako was standing in the hallway, waiting for the phone to finish ringing. Finally, the other end picked up.

            "I can't talk right now, I need to find-" Izuku sounded panicked.

            "She's with me Izuku."


            "Eri showed up here, at UA, and is currently in the principal's office. I got called down because I had a visitor, and there she was." Ochako wasn't sure how to feel about the situation. She was a mixture of angry, confused, relieved... all of it.

             "Oh my- she's gonna be the death of me. I've been looking for the past 3 hours. When I woke up this morning, she wasn't there, so I asked mom if she had taken her to school already, and she said she hadn't seen her, that she thought Eri was in bed, so I called out of work, and searched all over the block, and we went out into to-"

            "Calm down Izuku. It's alright, she's not hurt. Do you want me to bring her to you, or do you want to come get her?" She could hear him taking deep breaths on the other end before responding.

           "We'll come get her. We're already driving as is." He finally seemed to be calming down, but Ochako could still hear light sobbing.

           "Alright. Well, I'll let you go. I'm gonna go talk to Eri, and try to figure out why she did this. Ok?"

           "Alright. I'll see you when we get there."

           "Ok. Bye."


           Ochako hung up the phone, and walked back into the principal's office. She sat down and turned to face Eri. Before she said anything, though, Nezu simply just stood up and left the room to give them some privacy.

          "Eri, I just got off the phone with Papa, and he's been really worried about you. Why in the world would you come here on your own? I'm not mad Eri, I'm just confused as to why you would do something so dangerous." Eri looked down at the ground. Ochako knew that her "daughter" was ashamed of her actions, but she needed to know what caused it. "Please just tell me Eri. I promise I won't get mad."

          She held out her pinkie finger to the girl, which Eri took in her own before responding.

          "I... I just... I wanted to come see you Mama... And I walk to school everyday, so I didn't think that it was much different for this..." Eri began to start sobbing, which prompted Ochako to pull her into her shoulder, holding the young girl. When Eri had calmed down some, Ochako moved her back and spoke once more.

          "Hey, look at me. Like I promised, I'm not mad. It's just that, this is a lot longer of a trip than your walk to school. When you walk to school, you either have Papa, or grandma Inko with you, right?"


         "Ok, well, when you came here, neither of them were with you, and you didn't just walk a couple blocks, you had to take the train to get here. I don't want to scare you sweetheart, but there are people who might try and take you if you're alone on the train. I'm just glad that you're ok." Ochako pulled her into another hug, but this time though, they were both crying.

        Ochako, because she was scared of losing the daughter she just got, and Eri, because she didn't realize just how lucky she was to have gotten there in one peice. They both just sat there in the hug for a minute, neither one ready to let go. Before long, the comfort of having Eri in her arms, and the mental exhaustion she had just experienced made an equation that totaled out to equal a nap.

• • •

          "Ochako... Ochako... wake up Ochako..." The brunette slowly opened her eyes, only to be greeted with a soft smile, emerald eyes, grass green hair, and a look that just oozed happiness. She smiled back at him.

          "Hi handsome." Before she could process what she said, or what she was doing, Ochako leaned in and kissed Izuku on the cheek. Then, the world came rushing in with three words.

          "Awwww, how cute!" Inko had just watched everything unfold between them, and then watched as both teens went completely red in the face.

          Izuku just about jumped to the other side of the room, while Ochako just stuck her face into the side of her sleeping daughter in her arms, which caused said little girl to wake up. She looked at her mother, not quite sure just what she was doing, until she heard her papa call out to her.

         "Eri!" Before said girl could turn around, she was met with the force of now having both parents clinging to her. She then heard light sobbing coming from her adopted father. "Please... please don't ever do that again... I was so worried about you... I was scared something had happened to you..." his tears continued to flow.

           "I'm sorry Papa..." Eri herself began to sob aswell. "I just wanted to come see Mama..." Ochako took this as her cue to wrap her arms around both of them, and begin the reassurances.

           "It's alright you two. Eri is just fine, not a single scratch on her. And Eri, just because you are ok, that doesn't mean you can ever do this again. We're not mad, we're just worried something... might... happ..." Ochako couldn't even finish her sentence before she too was crying. They all sat there for a minute before Izuku spoke.

           "She's right Eri, I'm not mad, I'm disappointed though. You should know better than to do something like that. Next time just ask me or grandma to bring you here to see Mama, ok? In fact, why didn't you ask?" Both teens looked down at the girl, curious about how she might answer.

          "Because... I didn't want to inconvenience you... you work so hard everyday, so I didn't want to make your day any harder..."

          "Then why not ask grandma? She would be more than willing to take you." Izuku glanced at his mother, who just nodded in agreement.

           "Because she was up working all night, and I didn't want to wake her up any sooner than she needed to..." Eri began to sob again, but who could blame her? She finally had a mother figure in her life that she wanted to see and spend time with, but she didn't want to bother anyone with bringing her here. "I know that it's already really hard on both of you to work and take care of me-"

             "Hey, stop thinking like that. Everybody struggles with taking care of their kids sweetheart, but that doesn't mean you can't ask for something. Papa and grandma were worried sick about you, and neither one of them would have minded bringing you here, because then they know that you're safe." Once again, they all just sat there, quietly sobbing, except this time, Inko came and joined in on the hugs.

• • •

           After they all calmed down, and they made sure Eri understood never to do that again, Inko proposed an idea. She suggested that, since it wad Friday, that Eri could stay the night with Ochako, and come back home with Izuku tomorrow after he was done at work. Needless to say, it was a unanimous vote yes.
Thanks for reading! This chapter was mostly meant to show that, even though Eri is really well behaved, she's still a little kid, and makes mistakes like a little kid does. I'm doing this because in almost every story on here with Eri in it, she's this perfect little angel that never does anything wrong. And while I don't necessarily have a problem with this to a degree, there are points where it just becomes unrealistic. I have little siblings, and can honestly say that no matter how good they are, they still make the mistakes a little kid makes! I'm also doing this to add extra depth to Eri's character, to show that she learns from her mistakes, instead of being automatically perfect! Special thanks to everyone who has been voting! I'll see you guys next time!

Word count: 1462

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