An explanation.

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           Wait, what? Was all Ochako could think. If she isn't his daughter why did she call him her papa? Better question, why is she here? Did he kidnap her? There was only one way she was going to get answers.

          "Well, not biologically, that is. A couple years ago, just after I got out off junior high, I was walking down the street one day when all of a sudden I just about fell over when someone bumped into me. When I looked down at the person on my legs, I saw Eri, except she had on this ragged dress and bandages on her legs." Eri hugged him tighter, visibly shaken. "When I looked up there was a man standing in front of me. He asked if I was ok and said that he was behind me when he saw Eri dart out from the alley and run into me."

           It was at this point where Eri started crying. Midoriya took a moment to calm her down by shushing her and stroking her hair gently, with a couple gentle kisses on the top of her head. After his efforts, she seemed to have fallen asleep in his arms. He smiled at her before continuing.

          "When I couldn't find anyone around who knew her or that might have been looking for her, I took her down to the police office and waited there with her all day. I called my mom at about 8:00pm and told her what had happened. When she got there to pick me up, Eri begged me not to leave her, and after some talking with the police, she was able to come and stay with us overnight."

          He looked down and smiled once again at the girl asleep in his arms. Ochako could see the reminiscence in his eyes of that first night she had been there with him. He looked back at Ochako and continued the story one last time.

         "After two weeks went by with no word from any family, and with no birth certificates, positive DNA matches to anyone alive recent enough for her to have been born, or anything that would identify her in the slightest, the police told us that she would be put into the foster care system unless someone stepped forward. Well, I was more than willing to adopt her on the spot, but since I was only 15, I wasn't able to. So, my mom stepped in, signed the paperwork in my place, and became her 'official' guardian since I couldn't. That hasn't stopped Eri from calling her grandma and me papa though."

          Midorya just smiled at the thought, which he seemed to do a lot. Ochako wasn't quite sure what caused it, but all of a sudden, her heart began fluttering and the only way to stop it was to look away from Midoriya. She then thought of something.

         "Hey, uh, this is a kind of personal question, but how old are you? Also where do you go to School?"

         Midoriya was hesitant to answer her. When he finally did though, she understood his hesitation.

         "I don't go to school. Oh, and I'm 18. And I know what you're probably thinking, oh he's a dr-"

         "It's because of Eri, right? The reason you aren't in school?" He looked at her astonished. "Look, most people would probably call you a loser or drop out or whatever, but not me ok? You just explained your situation to me, so it would be redundant to think you were just another drop out." Midoriya couldn't believe what he had just heard. Almost everyone he had met recently would shame him for having a kid at his age, or for not being in school, which was why he had stopped trying to get dates. That and because he took care of Eri.

        He just looked at her, and through teary eyes, just smiled. But this smile was different. This smile showed pain and difficulty, and washed them away.

• • •

         After they finally woke Eri up, and Ochako apologized for earlier, they ended up doing what Eri had previously suggested and all sat there eating soup while they tried to wait for the rain to stop. Eventually though, it started to get dark, and with it pushing 9:00pm, Ochako knew that she would eventually have to get going. Only problem was that it was still raining.

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