The park

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            "What?" Midoriya looked at Ochako in amazement. "B-but isn't that something couples d-do?" His words made Ochako blush.

            "W-well, if you don't want t-"

            "I didn't say that! I-I mean... Mmhmm. Urarak- Ochako, will you go out with me?" She froze in place. This was what she had wanted, but she didn't think it would happen this soon. Though to be fair, she did just say something that was basically asking him to ask...

             "O-of c-course!" Regardless of how nervous she was, she was still extremely excited about what had just been said to her. After all, how could she not be?

             The two of them stood in an awkward silence. Neither one knew quite how to react to what was going on.

             "Umm, Ura-Ochako?"

             "We've been standing here awhile, a-and-" Eri decided it was a good time to misunderstand things.

             "Huh! Papa! Are you gonna kiss Mama? Ooh! How romantic!" Both of the teenagers were frozen in place by her comment, before jumping backwards away from each other.

          Ochako began to flail her arms in the air while also trying to cover her face so her blush wasn't as obvious to the two of them. While Ochako went about this, Izuku tried to speak through his arms, which were covering his face.

          "Eri! You can't just walk up and say something like that!"

          "Why not? You were gonna kiss, right?"

          "No, we weren't I swear! Not yet! Wait! I didn't mean it like that! Crap!" Ochako couldn't manage to get her words out properly.

          "N-no, Eri, w-we were n-not g-going to k-k-kiss." Izuku somehow formed a tangible sentence.

          "Really? Cause you were both making this kinda happy but weird face. And you were standing really close..."

          "Enough Eri. We weren't going to kiss. Ok?" Izuku had dropped his arms to his sides. His voice sounded stern about the subject, which caused Eri to have a surprised look on her face.

           "Sorry Papa..." she dropped her head down, showing that she knew what she had done.

           Ochako watched in silence up to this point. She could tell that Izuku was having difficulty doing something as simple as telling her to drop it. She looked to him, then you Eri, before speaking to the young girl.

           "Hey, it's ok sweetheart. It's just that, you shouldn't just assume what is happening between two people. If you ask, and they say it's not what you think, then you shouldn't push the idea. Alright?" Ochako was trying to be stern aswell, but also comforting. Just like a mother should.

           "Alright. Sorry Mama, sorry Papa." Ochako leaned in and hugged Eri, before turning to face Izuku.

            "It's alright Eri. Huh Mid-Izuku. It's alright, isn't it?" The green haired boy stood in place, shocked by what was happening. He smiled as he looked at them.

             "Yes, it is. Don't worry Eri, you're not in trouble. Just please don't do that again." Eri looked at him and smiled.

             "I won't Papa, I promise." Her smile got even wider. Before long, she walked over to him, and grabbed both him and Ochako, pulling them both into a huge hug.

            Ochako couldn't help but smile as she hugged the two of them. After all, who wouldn't want to hug the people they cared about?

• • •

            When Ochako got back to the dorms, she had given Eri another hug, and Izuku a small peck on the cheek. Afterward, when she got inside, all the girls immediately ran up to ask her for details about her entire day.

            Somehow, though, she managed to escape their grasp and make her way up to her room, where she then fell face first into her bed, passing out soon after.


             Ochako took in her surroundings, and realized something immediately important. This is Izuku and Eri's house.

             The only thing was, everything looked... different somehow. There was the same basic furniture that lined the walls and was scattered about on the floor, but it was all arranged differently than she remembered. Without even realizing it, Ochako ended up in the hallway, where she was stood next to Eri's door. When she opened it, she found a strange site.

            Inside the room, on the bed, Eri was asleep, as one might imagine, but she was cuddled up to Ochako. Or, another Ochako? The brunette looked on in confusion at the sight in front of her. She was standing in the doorway, looking at herself cuddled up against her "daughter". Then, without warning, she found herself in the middle of the park she had just been at.

           She looked towards the equipment, and once again saw both Eri and herself, except this time they were playing tag, and Izuku was chasing the both of them. When Ochako took a closer look, she noticed something about all of them. They all seemed somewhat older.

            Eri looked to be closer to maybe 10ish, having more prominent facial features and looking somewhat taller, Ochako herself looked like she, too, had grown somewhat, and also seemed to have a bit of a bump at the stomach that didn't look like fat, but something else. Izuku was also taller, and had more muscle on him, and even a small touch of facial hair.

           They all looked so happy together, like they really were a family. Just seeing the sight in front of her made Ochako smile. She sat down on the bench, just watching everything unfold before her. She watched herself chase after Eri and Izuku, only to tag Eri and start being chased by the young girl. Then Eri tagged Izuku, and he chased both of them. As she watched this all happen, she started to hear a light tapping sound. The sound got louder, and louder, until finally...


           *knock*knock*knock*"Ochako? Hello? You are in there, right?" It was Tsu's voice. Ochako lifted herself out of bed and began to look around before finally responding.

            "Yeah *yawn*. I'm in here Tsu. I guess I kinda passed out." The brunette got up and opened the door to her friend.

            "Alright. Well I just came to let you know it's dinner time. But you might want to consider brushing your hair before you come down. Your nap did a number on it." With that, Tsu walked away, giving her friend a smile.

             Ochako walked into the bathroom, and stood in front of the mirror while she cleaned herself up somewhat. Finally though, she went downstairs to eat with her friends. The entire time though, her mind was focused on the dream she had, and what that bump on her stomach might have been.
Thanks for reading! Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out, I've been busy with starting to do online school and getting used to that, while also being distracted by other things aswell! I'm short, I'm a bit of a wreck right now, because life has been throwing me around! Do know though, that I have already started brainstorming ideas for next chapter, and I'm starting to get back into the swing of life! Special thanks to everyone who voted for last chapter, and sorry that Ochako's talk with Aizawa was awkward, I just couldn't really come up with anything else! I'll see you guys next time!

Word count: 1254

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