An all around awkward day

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           As Ochako was slowly lifted from the land of dreams, one sweet smell was all over her thoughts. Pancakes. Before long even more wonderful smells filled her nostrils and her thoughts, until finally there was one ever preset question on her mind. Who's making breakfast?

           Finally, the anticipation, along with the smell of bacon, gave her reason to open her eyes and sit up. One problem though, when she went to sit up, there was a warm, comfortable blob weighing her down, and when she opened her eyes, she saw dozens of strands of white filling her vision.

          Right as she was about to question it, the memory of what had happened between her and Eri last night came rushing in, making her want to cuddle up and go back to sleep. She was more than ready to do so, but was interupted by a gentle tap on the shoulder, and a soft feminine voice waking her up.

          "Dear... it's time for you to wake up. I hate to do this, especially because of how comfortable you two look, but you really do need to wake up." The voice was calm and comforting, and even reminded Ochako of her mother. She tried to respond, but it only came out as a mumble.

          "Mmm... 5 more minutes... too comfy... don't wanna let her go... She's mine..." In her half asleep state, Ochako neglected to realize what exactly she just said. Regardless, immediately afterward came an audible "awwww" right above Ochako's head.

           "Alright. But if that's the case are we ever going to get Eri back?" The kind voice spoke up once more above her.

           "When I'm done with my cuddles... But not a minute before." At this point Ochako couldn't keep from smiling, she was awake now, and it was probably the best way she could have woken up.

           "Well, I guess I'll just eat all these pancakes, eggs, bacon, and mochi to myself then." There was then  the sound of footsteps walking away. Before Ochako knew it though, she had somehow managed to separate herself from the sleeping Eri (without waking her), hurdled over to the other side of the bed, darted up to the woman, and was standing by her side, leaning over her shoulder with wide eyes.

           "You said something about... mochi?" Ochako's eyes were glistening in the sunlight that came in through the kitchen window, which caused the older woman to laugh at her.

          "Yes I did. Would you like some now that you're up? It's fresh out of the oven." Ochako practically began to drool on the woman, and would have too, if it weren't for the commotion they heard behind them. They both turned around to see a stretching Eri, who greeted the both of them.

          "*YAWN* Good morning grandma Inko... Good morning Mama..." Eri seemed to be unfazed by what she had just said, while Ochako on the other hand looked like she was trying to imitate a tomato.

         Mrs. Midoriya just chuckled and walked down the hallway, leaving the blushing teenager frozen in place as she went to wake up her son. When she got to his door, she glanced once more at the frozen teen girl in her living room, before opening Izuku's door to wake him up.

         "Time to wake up Izuku. Your guest needs to be back eventually, and I can't exactly take her to her house or dorms if Eri's up when you aren't." He said something back to her that Ochako couldn't quite hear. "The one that came over yesterday Izuku. The pretty brunette girl? Does that ring a bell, or do you need more details?" He probably asked who the guest wa- wait, she said pretty. Were those her words or was she quoting him? WAIT, WHAT IF SHE WAS QUOTING HIM?

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