Planning ahead

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           Izuku woke up to once again find himself cuddled up to Ochako, with her holding Eri in her arms. As he got up to get ready for work, he saw the two of them start to shift in place. He quickly reached down and kissed both of them on the forehead, causing them to stop stirring and just melt back into a comfortable sleep. Today was saturday, which meant that it had been almost a week since him and Eri had moved into the dorms with Ochako.

          Eri, of course, had been just as overjoyed about moving into the dorms as he was. Izuku was glad to know that his daughter really had come to view Ochako as her mother, and vice-versa. Seeing the two of them together made his heart feel like it was flying. After all, one of his biggest worries before he met Ochako, was that he would never be able to give Eri the family that she really deserved, because he didn't exactly have the easiest time flirting.

          Not only that, but the only other relationship he had been in, with she-who-must-not-be-named, was no good for Eri, because she was always being pushed aside by Izuku's ex. What angered him the most about it was that, he had only had Eri in his care for about a year when they started dating, so Eri was obviously quite a lot more clingy to Izuku, and needed to be near him physically in order to feel safe. So for her to push Eri aside all the time claiming "it will make her less clingy" made his blood boil.

         This was one of the things he loved about Ochako. Not only had she been willing to play the role of Mama for Eri, she took it in full stride. Ever since they met, she had been just as caring and loving towards Eri as himself. Of course Eri saw her as her mother, because Ochako acts like her mother without hesitation.

        Just thinking about all of this made the time fly by for Izuku while he got ready. Before he knew it, he was fully dressed, had brushed his teeth, and was in the middle of putting on his usual red sneakers. Once his shoes were entirely on, he walked over to the bed and kissed both of the girls once again. After doing so, he left a note on the bed-side table saying that he went to work and that he would see them later. 

        When he got in, he saw an all too familiar face run up. Kyomi Makatashi, his co-worker rushed up to him with a smile. This, however, terrified Izuku, because Kyomi was usually tired and angry, so to see her happy... it was terrifying.

       "How's the wife and daughter Midoriya?" The surprises kept coming, she usually called him green hair.

        "I've already told you, Makatashi, we aren't married. And before you say anything, again, Eri is adopted, shes not our biological daughter." She may be acting uncharacteristically happy, but she still was the same Kyomi, who just loved to poke fun at his innocence.

        "You're starting to get used to my normal attacks, huh? Oh well, I'll just change things up a bit then."

        "Ok, fine, but save it for now. What's got you so happy?" Izuku walked over and began to put food in the dog bowls, just going about his usual work.

       "What? I can't just be happy?"

      "You told me to swan-dive off the roof because I said 'Hi' to you yesterday."

      "Fair point. Alright, alright. I'm in a good mood because something amazing happened yesterday at dinner with my boyfriend." She had a massive grin on her face.

      "What happened?" 

      Her response was to hold out her right hand, where Izuku saw a small metal band with a diamond on top wrapped around her finger.

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