Looking For Closure

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"Hey Levi," Ichika asked, looking out the window. The sun was starting to rise through the window of Levi's office bedroom, filling the room with light. The two were both completely undressed under the white bed sheets of his bed, thinking about the long night they had just spent together.

Ichika was cuddled into Levi's side, enjoying the small circles he was rubbing on her back. He laid on his back with other hand behind his head, looking down at the woman that called for his name.

"Hmm?" He mumbled, watching her eyes lock onto the scenery outside.

"Do you think they'll come back?" Ichika asked as if it was a casual conversation.

"We just spent the whole night having sex and you want to bring up your ex boyfriend?" Levi raised an eyebrow in a playful manner at her and she lightly smacked him in the chest.

"I just want to know that my kids are safe, and that I don't need to worry about them trying to be taken away." Levi lightly sighed, his chest raising a bit.

"Maybe he doesn't have a good reason to come back anymore. If your kids are safe, isn't that what should matter to him?" Levi carefully sat up, causing Ichika to gently drop her head back down on the pillow beside her. He crawled on top of her, pinning her down to the bed.

"But, if you're going to be talking more about him, then I'll have to put your mouth to better use." She smiled up at him and wrapped her hands around his neck, bringing him back down to her to continue their night into the morning.

After they finally decided to take a break from their shenanigans that lasted for hours upon end, they decided it'd be best to get up and have Ichika finally face everyone again. With the noise that came from Levi's room last night, they'd probably suspect she was awake by now.

Levi let Ichika wear his clothes instead of putting back in her sleeping clothes. He lended her a white buttoned-up shirt with a pair of dark grey slacks. Since they were pretty similar in sizes, the clothes weren't too much bigger than she was. Nothing a belt couldn't help her fix.

Levi wore his usual non-scout uniform outfit, a white button-up shirt, black slacks, and a black blazer draped over his shoulders. Ichika helped tuck in the cravat he wears to just about every outfit into his shirt collar and smiled at him. He was always the definition of beautiful in her eyes.

"So, what have I missed?" Ichika said, heading towards the door to Levi's office.

"Hanji's my boss now," He muttered, walking behind her.

"Hmm, that's going to take a lot to get used to." Levi reached in front of her and carefully opened the door, letting Ichika go out first. But, their path was blocked by someone standing outside the door.

"Chibi!" Hanji yelled, quickly embracing Ichika tightly. Her arms were stuck at her sides from Hanji's strong grip, making her lightly sigh. She squeezed the hall woman in her arms, cutting off her air supply.

"Hanji...can't...breath-" Ichika mumbled, making Hanji immediately let go.

"Sorry sorry! Technically you stopped breathing a few weeks ago so-" Hanji looked at Levi who was sending glares. No one could make death jokes about Ichika except for him.

"She's been asleep for 2 weeks, let her go, four eyes." Levi said, crossing his arms over his chest. Ichika gave Hanji a light smile, making Hanji understand where they were intending to go after they left his office.

"How did you know I was here?" Ichika asked, stepping into the hallway with Hanji.

"When I heard the shouting go away, I knew you both were either asleep or getting up to leave so," Ichika's face was red with embarrassment and Hanji lightly laughed at her appearance. Levi shut the office door behind him and walked to the dining hall with the two women.

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