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Third Person Perspective

"Mommy, someone is knocking on the door," Sakura whispered into her mother's ear, gently shaking her awake. Ichika groaned, stretching her arms.

"One second, please!" Ichika calls out to the other side of the door, quickly jumping out of bed, immediately falling to the ground and hissing in pain.

"Mommy, are you okay?" Sakura jumps off of the bed and helps her mother stand up. Ichika smiles and opens the door.

"Good morning, Ichika." Levi looked at her, then down to Sakura. "Brat." He mumbled so only Ichika could hear and she giggled, inviting him in. He wasn't in his usual scout uniform, but instead, a grey buttoned shirt with black slacks and a blazer draped over his shoulders.

"Levi, did I sleep through the meeting?" Ichika opens the door a bit wider to give Levi enough space to walk in.

"I came in last night to see if you were awake, but I decided to let you rest. You already knew what I'd tell you." He was referring to what Erwin told her last night and Reiner, she was still a bit shaken up.

"How do we know he is the Armoured titan? We haven't physically seen it." Ichika whispers to Levi, trying to get her daughter to go get dressed.

"We will find out sooner than later, but that's not why I'm here." Levi looked her right in the eys all seriousness. "Titans got in last night, but there is no sign of a breach in the wall. I need you to go to the wall and meet with the rest of the scouts to provide assistance, seeing you are walking much better today."

"Of course, Captain." Ichika let her daughter change in the bathroom while she changed in the bedroom. Levi waited outside of the room for the two.

"What am I going to do with Sakura?" Ichika popped her head of her room when she was finished to see Levi leaning against the wall.

"Hanji requested for you to bring her." They both were confused but didn't think much of it, yet. Maybe it was for Reiner to confess? They had no idea.

"Alright then."

"Your horse is waiting outside in the stable, be safe." Levi squeezed her shoulder reassuringly before walking back to his office.

"Alright blossom, you finally get to see over the wall today." Her mother took her by the hand and led her to the stables. After riding to the wall, Ichika, Sakura on her horse was brought up to the wall, only to be greeted by Hanji.

"Chibi, you're finally here! And you brought your chibi!" Hanji's eyes were beaming and she picked up the small child, making Ichika worry about the maniac holding her child. Little did she know, a certain someone was shooting daggers into Ichika's back.

"Why did you want me to bring-"

"Your ODM gear is over there, Levi gave it to me the other day for safekeeping, but I want you equipped." Hanji seemed more serious, letting the child back onto her feet.

"Thank you, commander." Ichika let Sakura stay with Hanji, she finally met someone as energetic as she is. The cadet put on her gear when she overheard the conversation between Eren and Reiner. What the hell were they talking about? She looked over to see Reiner with a crazed expression on his face, but he wasn't looking at her, he was looking at Sakura. Ichika's hand gripped onto her sword handle and slowly approached them. When approaching, she caught a glimpse of Mikasa doing the same thing. They relayed a message and slowly began approaching together. Mikasa drew her blade at Bertolt and Ichika drew hers at Reiner.

"Why so many secrets? You could tell us too." Ichika stared right at Reiner, no longer intimidated by his large built. His arm was in a sling and he slowly took it off, never breaking eye contact with his ex-girlfriend. When his arm was unwrapped, they all watched in horror as Reiner's arm healed at superhuman speed. He was the armored titan, he was right under their noses. Ichika charged at him, pushing Eren out of the way, and went to stab him in the stomach, but he dodged, making the blade go through his hand. Mikasa slashed Bertolt in the neck, making him grab the cut that was viciously bleeding all over the place. Ichika continued to charge at Reiner until he kicked her in the stomach, flying her a safe distance away.

"Mommy!" Sakura ran towards her mother, not understanding what was going on. Ichika lifted her head up to see lightning forming around Reiner and Bertolt.

"Everyone get down!" Ichika quickly hopped up, grabbing her daughter and jumping off the side of the wall, barely dodging the steam heading in her direction. She used her ODM gear to catch her and held onto her daughter tightly, so she wouldn't slip away. Sakura wrapped her arms around her mother's neck, screaming at what was forming above her. Ichika looked up to see the Colossal Titan formed up onto the wall, the armored titan jumping down, with Eren in his hand, the wall where the mother and daughter were. Ichika didn't notice she jumped on the side of the wall away from the city.

"Hold on tight, blossom." Ichika used her ODM gear to travel down the wall, Reiner's titan following her. She eventually ran, pushing off far enough to get to the top of the wall. She saw Bertolt's titan hand reaching out to grab something or someone. Ymir. Krista screamed her name, Ichika grabbing her hand and running the wall with them. The mother looked down to see Eren's titan transformed and trying his best to fight with Reiner.

"Alright blossom, I need you to stay with this sweet lady right here, okay? I promise you, mommy will be back." She kissed her daughter on the head before jumping off the wall, her daughter screaming behind her to not leave her.

"My name is Krista, I will keep you safe, okay? Your mommy is going to keep the bad men away." Krista help onto Sakura tightly and ran towards Hanji. Ichika had used her ODM gear to her to Reiner, driving her sword into his neck, only to see the blade shattered. 

"Dammit, you little shit!" Ichika yelled to herself, looking up to see Eren swing at Reiner again, Ichika quickly jumping off. She fell back to the wall on Hanji's command, watching the fight go by. She waited for Hanji to let her go fight him, to kill him, but she refused to let her go. After minuted of them throwing different attacks, Reiner bit Eren's nape, pulling his human body out of his titan.

"No!" Mikasa screamed, seeing Bertolt fall from the wall. After lots of steam emitted, Ichika could see Reiner's titan running away with Bertolt on his shoulder, but she didn't notice what was in his hands until it called out to her.

"Mommy!" Ichika's heart stopped, she b-lined over to them, refusing to listen to Hanji yelling at her not to. She tried to catch them, but Reiner was too fast. He was already in the forest, gone before Ichika could do anything. She dropped down to her knees in a large field of grass, screaming her lungs out for her daughter to come back. She thought she failed, the one thing that gave her life purpose. She shouldn't have left her daughter alone, she was blinded by rage, letting Reiner get her daughter.

She caused this, it was no one else's fault but her own.

Wowie, all drafts were posted in one night, yikes. I am also starting a new x OC for haikyuu, which will be probably be posted once this one is finished to save myself some brain cells -.-

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