The Big Plan

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Third Person Perspective

Ichika fluttered her eyes open to see the bed next to her was empty and cold. She turned to see where Levi was last night, seeing a letter placed on the bedside table. She threw the blanket off and tried to stand up. She looked at her leg to see her bandages were changed, but the only person in there last night was Levi. Ichika sat on the edge of the bed, grabbing the letter and opening it. She first examined the handwriting in awe, perfect cursive.


I'm sorry I could not stay with you until morning as much as I wanted to. I changed your bandages before leaving. The scouts are heading to capture the female titan in an underground passage. I know you want to come, but I will not put your life at risk. As your captain, I command you to stay in your room and rest until I return. I have two guards waiting outside your room to check on you every so often, making sure you are safe. I will make sure that Reinor does not bring any harm to you or Sakura. As my last human squadmate, and the only one I enjoy of the two, you will stay in your room and follow my orders.

You may see her when I return.


She stared at the letter, shocked. Ichika wasn't surpised Levi tried to prevent her from leaving, nor that there were people outside. She was surprised he wrote a letter when he left! She smiled, tucking the letter away in the drawer in her bedside, seeing the letter she had addressed to Sakura. Ichika knew she couldn't sit around and stay here. She stood up and walked to her closet, hissing at the pain in her leg. Do it for Sakura. Ichika looked for her uniform, seeing it wasn't in there, probably because she ripped it multiple times during the fight and it was covered in blood. She found a grey buttoned up long sleeve shirt and a pair of black flare pants. She got dressed, putting on a black pair of boots. She tied her hair up and looked for her gear, noticing it was gone too. She looked around the room, eyeing the window. Levi made sure to lock it and take the key. After trying to open it, she resorted to the last thing. Ichika went over and locked the door before she picked up the chair Levi sat in last night and threw it, shattering the glass. 

"Hey, what's going on in there?" One of the guards asked from the outside, but it didn't stop her. She tucked Sakura's letter into her pocket, then jumping out the window. She didn't look before she jumped, making her land on a large flower bed a floor below her. She quickly got up and dusted off the dirt that got on her shirt. 

"Levi, you son of a bitch." She laughed to herself as she began to run towards the stables. She knew she was in the scouts' residence that she trained at. She knew the way to get to the city, but she needed her horse. She snuck into the stables, finding her horse and quickly greeting her.

"Alright, time to go to the city." She saddled up on her hrose and pulled the reigns, guiding her horse to the city. What she didn't know, is Levi knew she would leave. If they were in the city where her daughter was and she wasn't, she had to leave. Reinor was with the rest of the scouts, trying to find a time to get to Sakura. He knew his plan, to take Sakura back to his city. He had Bertolt help him through the whole way, as well as Annine. But, they didn't know Annie was being led into a trap. 

When Ichika arrived at the edge of the city, she saw familiar bursts of lightning a few kilometers away from her daughter. When she arrived at the city, she began riding faster and faster until she heard a familiar voice.

"Ika!" She pulled the reigns of her horse to see her brother in his military police uniform and ODM gear.

"Kaiyo!" She jumped off her horse and ran into her brother's arms. She cried into his shoulder, praising the walls he's okay. "What is going on? How are you here? Where is Sakura?" She pulled back and looked at him.

"Captain Levi sent me here and he also told me not to tell you. He just told me to give you this when you came." She pulled back with slight anger to see the long cloak he pulled out for her. 

"Kaiyo, why wouldn't you get it out of him? I'm her mother after all!" She heard heavy running footsteps getting closer. "We need to go." She grabbed her horse and told her brother to hop on and save his gas. He was the female titan fighting Eren's titan, falling into the building next to them. Ichika pulled the reigns and ran a safe space. 

"Alright, let's make a trade." She jumped off of the horse, gesturing for her brother. She grabbed the cloak and threw if over his shoulders, hiding him. "Give me your gear, take my horse and get to safety. I need to find Sakura." Kaiyo stepped away from his sister, looking at her like she had three heads.

"You're crazy! I'm not going to-"

"Then go find Sakura, dammit! I need to see my daughter!" Ichika looked up to see Annie's titan looking at them and running towards them. "There's no time, get on the horse and go!" Kaiyo used his ODM to get onto the wall. Ichika jumped back on her horse and began to ride throughout the alleys. She looked back to see Annie still chasing her, Eren slowly sitting back up and running behind her.

"Damn, the time when I need gear, the time I don't get it." She pulled the reigns for her horse to jump over a fallen wagon and headed towards the center of town. She didn't know where anyone was, the only people she saw were the scouts on the walls and chasing down the titans. Annie was so close, almost close enough to grab Ichika, but Eren finally caught up, tackled her, almost crushing Ichika. She pulled her horse to the side, the wind blew her off of her horse and she rolled onto the ground. Once she saw her horse was okay, she straddled back onto him. She watched as Eren trying to pull her down from her climbing the wall. She ran in the direction behind him, searching the crowds of people evacuating.

"Sakura!" She shouted, looking for her daughter through the thousands of people.

"Mommy?" Ichika stopped her horse, immediately jumping off to see Sakura come out from behind a small building.

"Oh, blossom." She ran over to her daughter, getting ready to embrace her, but a tall body stepped out infront of her.

"I told you, I'd get what I came back for."

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