First Expedition

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Third Person Perspective

The day passed by quickly, Ichika and Levi ignoring each other for the rest of the day. No one would ask the other what they felt or what that day was about. It was the morning of the expedition and Ichika was chatting with Eren. They were standing and preparing their horses when a voice calls out to them.

"Eren! Hayashi!" They both turned to see all of their friends, Mikasa and Armin running towards them first. They both embraced their friends and smiled.

"You are coming on the expedition with us, that's why we're here." Ichika looked at them, worried about their safety. They weren't in her squad, but Ichika knew Mikasa would take care of herself. Armin, however, wasn't as strong fighting wise.

"Hayashi, we will be okay." Mikasa gave her a reassuring smile and she returned it.

"Ichika." All three of the teens looked at her confused. "My first name is Ichika."  They all laughed and embraced in another hug. She thought that if Mikasa and Armin were here, that meant...

"There you are, sweetheart." Reiner embraced her in a hug from behind and she rammed her elbow into his nose, making him step away. "I need to speak with you, privately." He said holding his slightly bleeding nose. She rolled her eyes at him and excused herself from her friends.

"After this expedition, I'm leaving with Sakura," Reiner stated with confidence and Ichika laughed.

"Like hell, you'll never find her. You'll never get to her in time either." Her face went back to stone as she stared up at him.

"You mean she isn't with Kaiyo with the interior?" He smirked at her her face filled with fear. He knew.

"Where did you find that out? That's impossible!" She tried staying humble, but in her head, she was freaking out.

"Oh sweetheart, you're too easy to read~" Reiner started leaning closer to her slowly.

"Oi, cadet!" Levi turned the corner to see them talking, him looking for Ichika. "Let's go, we are headed out soon." She mouthed a 'thank you' and walked past Reiner, heading towards the stables where her house was. "You always find yourself some trouble with him." Levi pulled his horse out of the stables.

"Captain, after the expedition I need to go visit the interior." She was rather very serious. He knew Reiner said something to her to make her scared. "And if I don't make it to do so," She pulled a crumbled folded piece of paper out with the word 'Sakura' written on it "give this to my brother, he'll understand." He gave her nothing but a nod and took the small note.

All the scout members readied on their horses and headed outside the walls. After what felt like 40 minutes of them traveling, squad Levi finally reached the forest. Ichika looked behind her towards the heavy footsteps approaching to see a giant abnormal titan running directly at them.

"Captain, request to switch to ODM?" Petra shouted towards the captain. Levi didn't respond. He knew he had to follow the plan and save as much gas as possible. Ichika didn't doubt her captain, she knew that he was as a leader for a good reason; he did what was best for his squadmates.

"Eren, stop!" Petra yelled at Eren, who was about to bite his thumb, turning into a titan. Ichika tried to remain calm when Eren looked at her for an answer. Why would he look at her? What am I supposed to tell him? It's not my choice to make. She looked up to see Levi staring back at her, giving her a suggestive look, pushing her to give him his next move.

"Eren, if you transform, you could kill all of us in a split second with the process." Everyone stared at her with wide eyes, except for Levi. He had the smallest smile on his face, knowing she could get through to him. "Levi knows what he is doing, you need to put your faith in him, and your faith in us!" She tried to yell over the footsteps and the horses. "Remember that girl I told you about back home?" This part gained Levi's attention "I need to see her Eren, before someone who shouldn't. He's going to take her away from me. If you follow us, you can come with me, to meet her!"  She gave him a smile and Eren gasped, Levi, begging himself to start questioning her, but refused. This expedition was too important.  Once their horses got far enough, the female titan fell into their trap.

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