Taking Back The Wall

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"I never thought I'd ever been back here," Ichika said from the wall. She stood beside her squad, minus Eren. He was getting ready to harden and seal the hole in the wall.

"Where's your house? Or where was it?" Jean asked, making her lightly smile. She pointed towards the further corner of Shiganshina at a small pile of rubble just out of eyesight.

"It's not much now, but see that tree?" She pointed at a dead cherry blossom tree.

"What about it?"

"The only time I saw the tree bloom was when I had my kids." She smiled and Jean wrapped a supportive arm around her shoulder.

"Must have been hell." She thought back to the memory Sakura had pulled from her memories weeks ago.

"You have no idea," She mumbled before turning away from the city to see Armin looking at something on the wall.

"Someone was here, this fire looked recent." Armin pointed at the ash and metal cups on the wall.

"They're here," Ichika said, walking towards the edge of the wall so her toes were just hanging off. "Where are you, you bastard?" She mumbled to herself.

"T-The walls are hallowed, check the walls!" Armin said and Ichika didn't hesitate to do so. She jumped down, using her ODM gear to find a spot on the wall.

"I can feel it," Ichika was halted in her spot, skimming her fingers over a certain spot of the wall. All the other members were lightly banging on the walls with their ODM gear triggers, but Ichika felt the sounds around her fade out.

"Mom," She heard a voice in her head and widened her eyes. She looked around her frantically to see if she could see him, but there wasn't anyone there. When she looked just to her right, she saw one of her members getting stabbed in the chest. He was here. Her ex-boyfriend climbed out from his small hiding spot in the wall.

"Reiner!" She screamed, drawing her blades and charging at him, but she was too late. Levi had beat her to it. He stabbed Reiner through the chest and in the neck.

"Shit," He said, pulling back up to the wall to watch Reiner fall to the ground. He wasn't dead. Small sparks of lightning had begun to form around his body and Ichika retreated back to the top of the wall. But she heard the voice again.

"Mom," This time, it wasn't her mind. it was real. She halted in her spot, not hearing the calls from the commander.

"Toshiro?" She called out, looking towards the small hole in the wall. She slowly climbed over to it as if the world had stopped. Ichika peaked her head into the hole to see a small being hiding in the dark. She slowly stuck her hand out, calling for her son. But she received a deep slash in her hand.

"Aah!" She lightly yelped, pulling her hand back to see blood dripping from her hand to her white pants.

"I'm sorry," Her son said in a calming voice and slowly moved towards her. She crawled out of the hole and bolted up to the top of the wall.

When she arrived at the top, her hands were balled into fists and she was furious. Her son's father poisoned his mind. He was going to kill his mom. Ichika peered down to see her son wasn't following her.

"God, you brat! Don't you listen?" Levi shouted at her. He noticed the blood in her hand and the anger in her face.

"I'm going to rip him limb from limb." She looked to see Reiner's titan finally formed. 

"Remember what I told you, I need you alive by the end of the expedition," Levi said before going to the other side of the wall to help on assisting Commander Erwin.

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