He's On The Other Side

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Ichika sat on the cold floor in her cell. When commander Erwin found out about the visions they saw from Hanji, he ordered the two to be separated. Ichika began to have nightmares about things she couldn't remember. She had dreams of what her son looked like. He looked just like his sister except he seemed taller than her.

Currently, Ichika was staring at her food, thinking of how everything was her fault. If she never fell asleep, she'd stop her dad from going downstairs. What would life have been like if she grew up with her son? Why did he have to be ripped from her life? Ichika thought about what Reiner did, hating him even more than she already did.

She felt as if she was beginning to go crazy, being currently separated from one of her kids, the other held in a different cell. She watched her brother die. She watched as her love left and betrayed her like it was nothing. Her soul ached and her eyes hurt from the amount of crying she did in the cell.

"You know," Levi spoke. He was silently sitting in his chair, watching her. "if you want to kill him, you have to eat to grow stronger."

"If I think about him anymore, I might just cut my neck open." She lazily looked over in his direction, smiling at him tiredly. She hadn't slept in a few days, trying to escape her nightmares.

"You only have 2 weeks left in here," He pulled his chair over to the cell and sat down in front of her. "I've been watching you wallow inside of this cell for 6 weeks."

"Must be a great experience," She looked over to him and closed her eyes.

"It's torturing," He mumbled, making her slowly open her eyes to see him. "Can you try to eat something?"

"What do I get out of it?"

"I'll tell you a story while you eat, about the life you desperately wanted to hear about months ago." He rolled his eyes before giving her a small smile. Ichika let out a deep breath before shakingly picking up her bowl of soup and her spoon. Levi sighed in relief before talking.

"My true purpose to leave the underground was to kill Erwin." Ichika laughed a bit and took a small spoonful of soup.

"Heh, I'd want to kill him too." She slowly put the spoon in her mouth, loving the taste of food.

While he watched her eat, he began to talk about the life he never told anyone about. He told her about how he met Kenny when his mother died. That his uncle took him in and kept him alive. He taught Levi to fight to stay alive, and hell did he fight a lot. His size was never an issue. He took down guys twice his size when he was a child.

He met Furlan and Isabel on the streets and he joined the Survey Corps to save them from being executed by the military police. Levi left out lots of details, not wanting to talk about their deaths or the way he was treated.

He soon saw her eyes closed, finally sleeping after multiple nights of not sleeping. He reached his hand in the cell to rub her head, playing with her hair. It had gotten extremely long, reaching all the way down her back. She thought about cutting it, it would save her so much time and be safer to fight.

The next two weeks consisted of Levi telling Ichika stories about his life while she ate, her falling asleep after he did. His voice soothed her, making the nightmares come less and less. He wanted to lay with her and protect her that way. Levi's heart would ache when he had watched her cry in her sleep, him not being able to do anything to help.

When Sakura told Levi about the visions she saw, he knew Ichika was heartbroken. Reiner had taken away Ichika's son at birth, leaving her in the dust about it. Levi questioned if the second child was like the first, a mystery. Hanji had confirmed the vision was true, Sakura would turn into a titan, but no one knew when.

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