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"Oh, blossom." Ichika ran to the cell to see her daughter chained to a bed, reminding her of when Eren was in the same spot. "Let her out." She said to Erwin, she shook his head.

"It's too dangerous for her to be let out."

"Then let me in," Ichika demanded, and the guards, given consent by the commander, unlocked the cell door and Ichika ran over to her daughter.

"Mom," Sakura had tears in her eyes but she was so grateful to see her mother again. She wrapped her chained arms around her mother's neck as she sat down on the bed. Ichika ran her hand through her daughter's long hair and held her tight.

"Are you hurt? Did they do anything to you?" Her mother kissed her forehead and smiled.

"They took some of my blood, but that's all. I'm okay." For a now nine-year-old girl, she sounded so mature. It was hard not seeing Sakura grow up as much as she wanted, but she wanted to ensure that her daughter was safe.

"I'm here now. I think I'll be staying here a while." She smiled down at her daughter who was playing with a strand of her mother's hair. Sakura looked up to meet her mother's eyes that were all red and puffy.

"Mommy, were you crying?" Ichika inhaled deeply, closing her eyes. How was she going to tell Sakura about her uncle? Instead of answering her question, she pulled her daughter closer to her chest and rested her chin on the top of her head.

When she looked over to Erwin, he gave her a nod before locking the two inside the cell.

The mother and daughter stayed in each other's embrace until they were fed. Ichika would try and unchain her daughter, but it was useless. She needed a key to free Sakura. Ichika had managed to put her daughter to sleep when she heard distant footsteps get closer.

"Cadet," She looked up to see a familiar dark-haired male standing outside the cell. Ichika had carefully laid her daughter on the bed without waking her. She walked over to the bars and met eye to eye with him.

"Captain," She gripped one of the bars beside their faces.

"I'm sorry for what I did the other night." Levi never apologized. To anyone. Ever. Not even to Erwin unless he was being sarcastic. She knew he meant it.

"I'm sorry for getting on your ass about it, you didn't know what you were doing." Ichika lightly smiled, soon bring her face back to its neutral expression.

"I brought food," She looked down to see a small tray with bread and soup for the two 'prisoners.'

"Thank you," She sat down on the dirty floor, watching Levi slide the tray through the small slot. Levi had pulled up a chair from where he would sit to watch Eren up to in front of the bars. He let the chair face the opposite direction, sitting on it facing Ichika. He rested his arms on the top of the chair and looked down at her. Levi was going to sit with her until Sakura woke up.

"How are you feeling?"

"Physically, fine. Mentally, pretty shitty." Ichika awkwardly laughed as she ripped a small piece of bread off and ate it.

"What do you plan to do with the brat in bed?" Levi crossed his arms over the chair, resting his chin on them.

"Same thing you did with Eren," He raised an eyebrow at her, making her continue. "Protect her with my life."

"Tch, that ungrateful little shit," He was referring to Eren, which made her laugh.

"Did Kenny tell you what he told me?"Ichika picked up the bowl in one hand and a spoon in the other.

"He just gave me this and told me about him and some old ass man," He pulled a small box from his scout jacket and showed her. It was a small box with a titan serum.

That's My Cadet (LEVI X OC)Where stories live. Discover now