Escape Route

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"Does everyone understand?" Levi spoke to the younger members of his and Hanji's squad. Ichika listened briefly, preparing herself for their crazy plan. They planned on throwing in smoke bombs and killing the members of the military police to get to Eren. Levi would lead and go first to evaluate the area to count out how many members were there, followed by Ichika and then the rest of the squad.

"Jean," Levi called to him, making the young boy snap up to look at him nervously "don't hesitate again, you're going to get my cadet killed." Levi didn't send a glance towards Ichika, but Jean did. He was right, he was too scared and confused to attack last time, Ichika could have died.

Ichika wasn't paying attention to them anymore, she was standing next to the small openings, waiting for Levi to go first. Levi reassured all of his squad members before advancing. Sasha had thrown in smoke barrels to give Captain Levi some cover. Ichika inhaled sharply, gaining Levi's attention. He looked her in blank eyes and gave her a small nod.

When smoke filled the air, Levi used his gear to get into the cavern with members of the military police. After swiftly skimming, Ichika came in following him.

"35!" Levi shouted, counting the last member he could see. Ichika didn't hesitate to swing her blades at all the members she saw. She grappled onto the light blue pillars, boosting to get the jump on one of the larger male members. She kicked him off of his post before slicing him straight across his back.

"Move in!" Ichika yelled for the members, specifically Jean, to move their asses. Soon, the squad flooded in, taking the members of Kenny's squad down. Once at least half of the members were injured, Kenny had stepped in, calling out for one of the members that no one expected.

"Hayashi!" He shouted, gaining the small woman's attention. Levi turned to see her using her ODM gear to advance on him. Levi called for her to stop, but she didn't. When she raised her blades up to stride, she felt a jolt, soon sent falling to the ground. She looked to see the grapples of her ODM gear had been cut off. To avoid a harsher landing, Ichika used one of her blades to dig into one of the pillars to stop her fall. She safely landed on the ground, looking up to see what just happened.

Levi watched as Kenny began to prowl towards her. He immediately turned and attacked him, slashing his uncle in the back with his blade. Kenny grunted in pain, sending a signal to his second in command. She turned to see what was going on, trying to understand the situation.

"Just a distraction, nephew," Kenny said, maybe Levi look at him in confusion.

If he fails his task, kill him.

"Ika," Ichika turned around shocked, her mouth hung open with fear. She was right.

"Kaiyo," She said with a shaky voice "why?"

"They'd kill her if I didn't help them." He was referring to his niece, making his eyes slightly glassy. He charged his sister, taking her to the ground, gaining the attention of the other Squad Levi members. The rest of the military police members had fleed except for Kaiyo and Kenny's second in command. She stood by the exit, waiting for the right moment. Kaiyo held her hands down with his knees, raising his gun to his sister's face.

"Stop, this isn't you! What would Sakura think?" Ichika tried to reason with him, but she knew he didn't need to be reasoned with. She knew he wouldn't do it. Kaiyo had loved his sister too much, dedicating his life to protecting her child.

"Stop!" Levi yelled, charging his lover's brother. But before he could get there, a gunshot rang through the air and Levi stopped in his tracks. He saw the blood dripping onto the white shirt and the scream Ichika let out gave him chills.

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