Rescue Mission

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Third Person Perspective

Ichika was fuming, she marched into Erwin's office to see Hanji, Levi, and the commander himself in the meeting room. She didn't salute or greet them but walked right up to Hanji, grabbing the collar of her shirt and pinning her against the wall. Hanji was taken back by the tiny woman.

"It wasn't my call! Erwin asked to bring Sakura to the wall." Hanji's face was slightly fearful but otherwise neutral. The tiny woman dropped the section commander, glaring at Erwin who stared at her with the same glare he always had.

"You, you planned it!" She marched up to Erwin, slapping him hard across the face. He was way taller than her, and he barely flinched to her reaction. When she went to swing at him again, a hand caught her wrist. Levi pulled her body into his and embraced her. She tried wiggling out of his iron grasp, but failed, sinking to the ground, tearing up.

"I'm sorry for not telling you. Sakura was part of a trap to lure in Cadet Braun and Cadet Hoover. If I told you, you would have never gone through with it."

"You put a child's life on the line for some stupid theory? What if it was wrong and she got hurt? Why my child, huh? What did I take away from you?" Ichika was feeling so many emotions, Levi never letting his arms release her body, but pulled her in even closer. He knelt on the ground with Ichika who's legs gave out on her.

"I need a soldier, not a mother." Erwin turned slightly bitter, striking a nerve.

"I'm sorry, that you have never loved a god damn thing in your life, let alone a child. And now we are sitting in this damn room instead of going out to find her! And you!" She pushed Levi off of her and slapped him across the face.


"You knew the whole time, didn't you?" She had raged in her eyes like she was going to strangle Levi until his head came off. When he didn't respond, she let out a 'tch' and headed towards the door.

"If we don't leave within the next hour, I'm leaving by myself. She is the thing keeping me alive, if I lose her, I have no reason to stay." That last part was a lie, she wanted to stay for Levi, but all she could think about was that her daughter was on the opposite side of the wall and her motherly instincts told her she had to go find her. Levi had lied to her, and she couldn't find herself to forgive him right now. She swung the door open, heading straight to her room to get prepared for her journey.

She opened the door to the room and headed towards the closet and equipped her ODM gear. She tied her hair in a braided ponytail, falling down her back. She heard a knock on the door and ignored it. It knocked one more time and she groaned, letting whoever was knocking to come in.

"I thought I made it clear I didn't want to talk to you!" She assumed it was Levi, not turning around until the voice spoke.

"What did I do?" Ichika turned and saw her brother standing in the door. Why was he even here?

"Kai," She practically jumped into his embrace "he took her, and I'm going to get her back."

"That's why I'm here." He sighed and pulled a pair of handcuffs from his pocket and showed them to her. She shook her head at him, one of them told him to do this. She pulled back from the hug before headbutting him, grabbing the cuffs from his hand. She grabbed his head and slammed it onto the door, making him faint.

"I'm sorry, Kai. I know that had to hurt." She handcuffed him to the metal footboard of her bed and kissed his head. "But Sakura needs me more than anything." She tightened her gear one last time before running out of the building, looking for her horse. She quickly saddled up and headed towards the edge of the forest. 

"I'm coming for you, you bastard."

Kaiyo woke up from blacking out and saw his handcuffed to the headboard. He shouted for help, only to see Jean bust through the door.

"You're not Hayashi!" Jean said, looking at his current state.

"I'm not the Hayashi you're looking for, idiot." He gestured towards his hand for help from Jean. "She escaped towards the forest. Ichika being herself, she probably is halfway there by now." Jean relayed this message back to the commander, knowing he had to find her before she killed everyone, including herself.

Once Ichika got to the edge of the forest, she saw 5 people sitting upon a large tree branch.

"Reiner!" She stood up on her horse, using her ODM to get onto the tree next to them.

"Mommy!" Sakura was sitting on the tree next to Eren with her arms around his neck.

"Oi, sweetheart you finally showed up." Reiner turned to her and gave Bertolt a smile signal that she didn't catch.

"I'm here for them, not you." She pointed at the three kids with her blade.

"Well, where's the fun in that?" Reiner tilted his head sideways just a tad, seeing her feet change positions, getting ready to charge.

"Oh, I'll make it fun." She mumbled, jumping off the tree to attack Reiner, but Bertolt stepped in front to block her blades with his own. She raised an eyebrow before quickly swiping at his leg with her own. He managed to barely back away from it, giving Ichika an opening. She swiped at his neck, skimming it slightly. He grunted and began throwing in his own attacks, swiping her arm with his blade, causing her jacket to rip.

In the distance, Reiner saw the scout flares in distance, Bertolt saw it too.

"You bitch, you were buying them time," Bertolt spoke as he swiped at her face, just missing. She hadn't seen him so angry before. Reiner jumped over to Sakura, grabbing her, making her yell out for her mother. Ichika turned her head to see her daughter, missing Bertolt's last attack. 

"No!" Eren shouted, looking at the woman fighting in front of him. She looked down to see her legs shaking more than usual and blood seeping her pants. Bertolt pulled his blade out from her thigh and she fell to her knees. Bertolt finished her with a kick to the face, Reiner yelling at him to stop.

"Mommy!" Sakura tried to pry away from Reiner the best she could, but she was no match.

"Come on, Bertolt. Take her and let's go." Bertolt picked up the unconscious woman and they headed deeper into the forest, away from scouts. 

A few minutes later, Ichika opened her eyes to see she was in a pair of large, titan hands. Bertolt was holding Sakura in his arms and she had streaks of tears down her face. She heard her other squadmates outside, trying to talk Reiner out of what he was doing.

"Sakura..." Ichika called out, watching her daughter jump away from Bertolt.

"Mommy!" She jumped into her mother's arms and Ichika let out a hiss of pain. She heard familiar voices outside of them calling to her.

"Jean? Mikasa?" She called out the two she picked out the most, their responses were muffled, but she watched as Bertolt went into a slight panic. Eventually, she felt the ground from under her collapse. She gripped onto her daughter tightly before a pair of arms grabbed her from falling to her death. 

"This feels all too familiar, doesn't it?" Jean laughed, recalling to them fighting their first tian attack. He set her down on the ground carefully and she stumbled to stay on the ground. Sakura looked up and pointed at someone in the grasp of a titan. Mikasa. Jean charged after her, freeing her from their grasp.

"Ichika!" She heard Eren calling from behind her. She looked up to see titans being thrown in their direction. She picked up her daughter and tried to use her ODM to try and escape, but her gear was broken. Damn it, Reiner. She held her daughter close to her chest and tried to run away, but she didn't manage to get far. With all the blood she lost and the pain she was going through, she couldn't stand.

"Blossom," She cried into her daughter's hair, waiting for the titan to grab onto her. But, it never came. Instead, she heard a scream come from Eren in front of her. She looked up to see all the titans running towards Reiner.

"Eren..." Before she could finish, she felt herself feeling dizzy. She let go of her daughter, causing her to run to Eren and hug him. 

"Hayashi..." She heard people call her name, but her vision faded to black and she was consumed by darkness.

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