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Ichika felt someone stirring behind her, lightly mumbling something. She turned to see Levi sweating and his breath picking up. They were currently sleeping on their cots next to each other in a new temporary housing location. Levi was mumbling words under his breath, turning his head away from her. He'd rarely sleep unless she was with him, giving him an extra hour to the few he normally got. This was pretty normal, Ichika had spent a few nights with Levi to know he had terrible nightmares. He only ever told her about one, one about watching his friend Isabel and Furlan. The rest were kept to himself, he didn't want to make the girl worry when she was already worrying about everyone else.

But this dream was strange, Levi felt he was reliving his life under his eyelids. Ichika knew Levi didn't like to be touched when he slept, so she gave him some space in between them. The hands beside his head turned into fists, his face scrunching in anger. She knew she had to wake him up.

"Levi," Ichika lightly tapped his shoulder, making him jolt in his sleep. She drew her hand back immediately, watching his head turn in her direction. His eyes were still closed and he was still mumbling something she couldn't understand. She sat up from the cot, letting the blanket fall to her waist. She lightly gripped his shoulder and started to shake him. His eyes shot open and he jumped on top of her, letting her head hit barely miss hitting the floor. His hands were around her neck and he was squeezing the dear life out of her. She clawed at his arms, too tired to try to attack him back.

"L-Levi.." She quietly mumbled, her breaths not coming out. Levi came to realization and let her go instantly. Ichika began coughing horrendously, slowly scooting away from Levi.

"Ichika-" He cut himself off when he saw the small marks on her neck through the moonlight. There were light red fingerprints on her neck and he had caused them.

"I'll give you the night to yourself," Ichika quickly got up, walking out of the room with the door slamming behind her. Levi buried his face in his hands and deeply sighed. As for Ichika, she was heading towards the small stone kitchen on the floor below them. She quietly walked down, looking for a cup to put some water in. Just as she filling her cup up in the sink, she heard someone talk behind her.

"That's a sight," Great, she knew that annoying voice anywhere.

"Jean, why are you awake? We have a long day tomorrow." Ichika was right, they had just made it to the Reiss residence and were soon going to find the interior officer that is in charge of Eren and Historia. She took a sip from her cup, not turning around to look at him. She continued to look outside of the window at the moon.

"I'd say the same thing to you. I heard your door close and wondered why." Jean began to walk closer and closer to her to look out of the window. When he was standing beside her, he looked at her neck to see the bruises forming. He brushed her hair out of the way to get a better look, but she smacked his hand away.

"I thought I told you to stop touching my hair," She turned to look that he wasn't staring at her, but her neck. She was wearing one of Levi's long sleeve shirts, giving easier access to see.

"What are these marks from?" Jean said concerned, getting closer to her. She pushed him away before putting her cup down.

"It's nothing, go back to sleep." She tried to walk away, but Jean grabbed her arm to stop her.

"It's definitely not nothing, you didn't get these from the MP's did you?" Jean pulled her closer to see further, he was starting to piss her off.

"Jean, I said don't touch me!" She jerked her arm back and pushed him away from her. Jean turned his head towards footsteps coming down the steps. Ichika turned to see the person who came in a hurry.

That's My Cadet (LEVI X OC)Where stories live. Discover now