Visiting Trost

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"Eren, you didn't clean underneath the table," Ichika says while sweeping "you know he'll make you do it again." Currently, the new Squad Levi was cleaning up their temporary living quarters. The cottage was small and cozy, reminding Ichika of her old home.

"We eat on top of the table, not under it. He'll never know." Ichika smacked the boy in his arm lightly.

"He's going to make you do it again. Don't say I didn't warn you." When she finished sweeping her small area in the kitchen, she heard the door open and saw Mikasa with Historia, holding a pile of wood. Ichika took the pile from Historia and led Mikasa to the fireplace. They placed the wood down and went back to hear Eren and Jean arguing, again.

"Oh, Walls, can't you two shut up for 5 minutes?" Ichika asked, stepping between the two. Spending so much time with them, she grew more attached to them, but also grew more annoyed with them. Ichika finally understood why Levi called them brats, they fought like children. Ichika heard the door open, smiling to see Levi returned. He swiped his fingers under the table, seeing dust on his fingers. 

Ichika gave him the "I told you so" look. From their kiss, they've been by each other's sides ever since. She'd help him fill out paperwork while he'd address her wounds at night. She'd fall asleep in his arms every other night; Levi would stay up and not come to bed or not go to sleep. She'd write letters to Sakura that were sent directly to her daughter. She missed her daughter, but she was happy with Levi.

"Eren, your cleaning is disappointing, again." Ichika wanted to laugh at him, but she knew she couldn't. Levi pulled out his handkerchief and wiped his fingers. "You can finish later, but we have things to discuss right now." Levi walked over to Ichika and planted a kiss on her cheek before sitting everyone down at the table.

"Hanji has informed me that Paster Nick is dead." Levi was surprisingly calm, but the rest of the table wasn't. They didn't understand until Levi continued. "I think the person that did this is trying to keep you two secret and destroy the Survey Corps." He looked at Historia and Eren who stared at each other.

"Also, Commander Erwin has been arrested, soon arresting all scout regiment members."

"So, what are we going to do?" Ichika looked at him, concerned about what their next move will be.

"We need to leave. With my guess, the military police are looking for us, specifically Historia and Eren. Pack up your things and we leave at dusk." Levi finished his sentence before standing up and heading into the couple's shared bedroom. Everyone looked around at each other thinking he was crazy.

"He is our captain, we follow his orders," Ichika said, "do as you're told and pack your things!" She rose from the table and went to find Levi sitting on the bed in their room.

"Levi?" She walked up to him and put her hands on his shoulders. He leaned his head so it was not resting on her chest.

"We are moving to the Trost District. I need to know that you are ready." Levi wrapped his arms around Ichika's small waist and pulled her in between his legs.

"Of course, I told you I'd be by your side." She kissed the top of his head and held him a little closer. After a few minutes of this, they finally started packing their things and change into something more comfortable. Levi has a grey shirt and black slacks while Ichika threw on her white buttoned shirt and a pair of brown pants. Once everyone was packed and dressed, they equipped their ODM gear and threw on long cloaks to cover their faces. They all escaped into the forest at the perfect time. Levi looked back to see the military police arriving at their cottage, but no one inside. He sighed and returned to lead his squad to the Trost District.

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