(A/N) Silent chapter 18

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Hello yeah I know been gone for a while. Well I decided to just keep a lot of chapters in draft and post them all at the same time better than posting one by one right?...Well to me yah also I was reading comments (sigh) and one told me about albinism yes I know now how it works (after I started biology) at the time I didn't but this is my book and my characters I can make them whatever I want it's fictional it's fake I understand albinism doesn't work like that the person explained to me and I understand so if anyone else who was bothered I'm sorry so starting at this point if you want her full or mixed I don't care but I do appreciate @Mellon-love thanks for telling me. So yeah if I'm taking a long time again to update it's because I'm making a lot of chapters at the same time. And I'm going to post them all at the same time.

Ava p.o.v
After my shower I read a book while taden talks about the war and soldiers. I really didn't listen much to his rambling and focused more on my book. The book gets snatched out my hands and I look over at taden.

"Are you listing?"he ask as he sits the book down I shake my head and he sighs "I'm going to get a doctor to see how the pups are doing" I make a not pleased face but shrug knowing taden will do it anyway

I kind of forgot about me being pregnant and how long I am it's been a few weeks since all of this happened and I've been stressed

Taden eyes glaze over before going back to normal and a few minutes later a knock is sound at the door

Taden gets up and opens the door as a fat short man walks in with a bag. He sits the bag down and bow "hello Luna" I look at taden as taden stares at the doctor

The doctor looks up and I wave with a small smile. He opens his bag and pulls out a small machine with a wand and bottle. "Since we don't know how long she is we will us this to determine the growth rate of the fetus"

The doctor walks over and stands beside the bed "if you don't mind Luna can you lift up your shirt to expose your stomach" I nod and gently lift up my shirt as my swollen tummy comes to view

I blink at my tummy at how large it is and the doctor applies some type of gel making my flinch

The doctor turns on the machine and as he holds up the wand looking thing and rubs it across my tummy

There is a strange noise coming from the machine but the doctor and taden breath hitches at the sound

"Oh wow"says the doctor he smiles at me than at taden "looks like Luna is carrying three pups alpha congratulations" taden hums as the doctor continues to move the wand

"She is about a month so far from what I'm seeing"the doctor frowns

"Since she is human it would take longer than two months for a regular she wolf to give birth so since she is human it will probably take five"

A/N:I was shocked at how fast wolfs gives birth when I looked it up

Taden nods as the doctor smiles "the pups are growing well I don't see anything wrong with them and their heartbeats are strong so that's also a good sign" the doctor cleans the gel from my tummy and starts to put his things away

"I'll come back in another month to see how they are doing please don't stress Luna and eat plenty of meat"the doctor bows before leaving

I look up at taden to see him staring at my tummy. "I'll give it three months until you give birth you are a half breed"

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