Silent chapter 16

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Taden p.o.v
I watch my mate tremble and cry in her sleep. I debate to wake her up or let her suffer. I decided to let her suffer she'll get stronger if I let her over come this nightmare.

I've fucked up with the thought a few moments later she starts to kick and scream. I shake her gently and her eyes snaps open. She sobs and clings to me.

I sigh and rub her back gently as she trembles. She ends up falling asleep again and I pull myself away from her gently.

She moves but stays sleep as I get out the bed.I slip on my shirt and house shoes and walk out the room. I close the door behind me gently as I walk downstairs.

I walk in the kitchen and open the cabinets I find some booze and I get a cup. I find a nice seat and sit down and open the bottle. I pour myself a cup before I lean back and take a sip.

The floorboards creaks and I look over to see my beta. He blinks before bowing "hello my king I didn't think you'll be down here at this time" I wave my hand

"Don't be like that we have known each other more to be formal come over and have a drink"

He nods and gets a cup and sits down as I pour him a drink. "I heard what had happened I apologize for letting him in I didn't think-" I hold my hand up

"It doesn't matter he is dead now drink" he drinks his booze while I take a sip from mine.

I lean back and hum as I close my eyes. "This is nice just peace and quite with some booze"

I've never drunk before so if I got it wrong sorry.  I'm not even legal to drink yet so please excuse any mistakes I made.

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