Silent Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
The girl looks at me with wide eyes and she takes a step back.
"w.who are you and what are you doing in here"
I stare at her for a moment and starts to look around for a notepad and pen. She walks toward me and yanks me out the bed.
"Oh no you don't try to look for an escape route" I panic as she starts to drag me out the room and down the stairs.

She opens the front door and pushes me out. "Leave"I stand there for a moment. She glares at me and I take a step backwards. She walks back in the house and slams the door. I sigh and turn around and starts to walk away.

I starts to walk on the side of the road "at least I can leave now" I starts to scratch on the collar and I loosen it. I smile to myself as I take off the collar I throw it in the woods.

I rub my neck and I continue to walk toward the sun. It start to get dark and I rub my shoulders. I see a cafe and my eyes light up. I open the door and a women looks up.

She has short brown hair with brown eyes she looks about 40 or 50 she smiles at me as I walk in. I immediately drop my hands from my shoulders and take in the warmth.

"Hello there"she says softly I smile and wave I walk over to her and sits down on a stool. She looks at me with a confused look as I start to sign.

"I don't understand"she says with a frown she walks away and comes back with a pad and pen. She hands me the pad and pen and I smile up at her happy

"Where am I?"she frowns "In England dear" my eyes widen

"Um dear are you okay you look pale" I shake my head and puts my head in my hands

She pats my back "I don't know what your problem is but will you like some tea?"I nods slowly and she walks away

I sigh and look at the tv in the corner of the room. My eyes widen when I see a furious Taden "Ava if your watching this get your ass back to my castle if you don't I'll find you and I'll mark you then I'll fuck you in front of my kingdom"The woman comes back with my tea and she sits it down in front of me

"So your running away from the king?"I look at her with wide eyes and she smiles softly "if I were your age I'll do it to he is pretty scary isn't he"I nod and sip my tea

I grab the note pad "I'm scared I don't want to go back"I write down she reads and frowns "it doesn't look like you have a choice dear"I sigh and
Lay my head on my arm

"I'll leave you alone I'll be in the kitchen if you need me dear" i nod and close my eyes


I whimper as I feel someone shake me I open my eyes to see the woman
"Come on get up I don't want you being mated in front of everyone"she pulls me out of the seat

"I have a car I'll drive you back to the castle I heard he is on the east side so it take him a while to get here"I nod and follow her to the car

"Oh my name is Izzy but you can call me Iz" I write down Ava and she smiles "that's a pretty name"I smile and we get in the car

She starts the car and drives back to the castle. A guard stops the car and Iz rolls down the window "I'm here to return he Kings mate" the guard looks over at me
"I see" I get out the car and I wave at Iz. Iz smiles and drives away the guard starts to walk to the gate and I follow.

We walk to the front to the front door and he stops "I just mind link the king he'll be here shortly" I nod and he walks away. The door opens and I see the butler from earlier he smiles at me

"I'm happy to see your back alone the king doesn't lie and keeps his word"I smile sadly and nod "come one lets get you fed you must be hungry" He moves to the side.

And I walk in he close the door and walks down a hallway. I follow him and we arrive in a big hall with a long table with a lot chairs.

The butler pulls out a chair and I sit down. He pushes in the chair and walks away. He comes back with a cart with food a lot of food.

He grabs and puts the plates on the table he gives me a cup and fill it with water before walking away.

I pick up my fork and start to eat I hum and moan softly as I taste the yummy food. I hear foot steps and I look over I jump out my seat when I see taden

He looks pissed he glares at me and I put down my fork. :sorry:I sign he continues to glare at me :the girl kicked me out I'm sorry I won't leave again I promise:he sighs and sits beside me "I already punished the girl"he says lowly "your punishment is next"my eyes widen "I'm going to mark you and after I mark you I'm going to mate with you"

"Your going to be impregnated with my child so you can't leave understand"

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