Silent chapter 1

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Main character
Ava bell
Height: 5'1
gray eyes
Mute (voice box doesn't work..... well she can make sounds but can not talk)
(short backstory)
Only child
Mother passed after birth dad raised her until she was 18 gave her to her grandparents before passing in a car accident.Two years later grandmother passed of cancer grandfather died a month later heart attack.

Chapter one
I grab my cart and start to wheel it down the hallway, I ignore the screams as I pass by the rooms. My ipad buzz and I pick it up I look at my messages, I see room 150 and 60 has to be cleaned. I sigh and walk toward the elevator.

My ipad buzz again and I pick it up, room 0z needs to be ready for a new experiment. But the only ones that goes down there are alpha wolves, and last time I checked their wasn't any checked in. I shrug my shoulders and make my way to room 60.

I put on my gloves and take out the bleach and the bucket, I pull out a sponge and start to scrub the floor. I hear a groan and I look over at a cage, a boy no older than 20 sits up (vampire) he looks at me his eyes widen. I look away and get back to scrubbing the floor. "H.hey girl please get me out of here i.i'll do anything"he pleads i look at him and frown i shake my head.

I grab the tub of bleach and the bucket with the sponge and stand up. I put it back on my cart and get ready to leave "please"begs the boy. I shake my head and walk out closing the door behind me. I put the lock on and walk my way to the elevator.

I press the 100 button, and the door closes. My ipad buzzes and I look at the messages. My eyes widen (lie) i shake my head (no way the got the lycan king no way) my ipad buzzes again I groan, I click the 0 button.

It stops and open and I roll my cart down the hallway, I hear the growls of alphas and I shiver. I walk down to 0z and I put the code in, I do the same process for the next two and step in the cell.

I shiver and start to clean, it's not all that dirty just a few spots here and there. I pick my things up and leave closing and locking the doors behind me.

I roll my cart down the hallway and toward the elevator, I step in and push the cart to the 100th floor. I wait until the doors open and I walk out I push my cart down the hallway and toward the room number.

I put the code in and get my supplies. I start to clean, sadly whatever they did here killed the werewolf. I grab my ipad and message john to get a body bag and start the fire.

I pick up the body parts and start to put them in smaller bags, only an arm was cut off from the rest of the body. The guts are hanging out and some teeth are scattered about.

I pick them up drop them in the bag, john comes in and puts the body in the bag after he is done he walks out. I grab my bucket and start to scrub, i clean the room and walk out. Closing and locking the door behind me. I push my cart toward the elevator.

I dump the bag in the fire and pull out my phone, 9:30pm three more hours and I'm done for the day well night. I walk back inside and grab my cart. I look on my ipad and see no new messages. I hear some screams and I continue to walk, I stop by the break room and walk in, Livy and stan are talking "did you hear? They got the lycan king"stan says, Livy laughs "yeah and i got boob implants"she says as she rolls her eyes.

"Im being for real here Livy, I saw them dragging him in"he sees me "don't you believe me ava?" I frown and shake my head livy laughs while stan frowns "i'm not lying im just wondering who is going to be on feeding duty since gage quit"that shut livy up.

"Not me im already doing twice as much as I usually do" livy says as she shakes her head, Stan looks at me and I shake my head.
The door opens and kin walks in he looks at me and smiles "hey ava,livy,and stan" i wave livy giggles and stan glares

Stan doesn't like kin the much and i think livy likes him in a naughty way. My phone dings and i take it out. MESSAGE FROM: BOSS i frown (what does he want?)I click on the message :MY OFFICE NOW: I sigh and walk out I wave goodbye to livy.stan,and kin.

I grab my cart and walk to the elevator and push my key into the slot (there is no button to go to the boss floor so you have to use a key)the doors open and i push my cart in.

The doors open and i walk out i stop by my boss's office and knock on the door, I hear a come in and i walk in. He looks up from his computer and smiles "hello ava take a seat"i sit down and look at him.

"I'm going to be blunt with you your going to be taking another job on your shift"I nod (more money for me) "that job is feeding the alphas down stairs" I choke on my spit and gasp, I look at him with wide eyes.

"I know but I recently found out that the alpha males don't like other males, also the alphas do not like the loud or rude girls, so since your mute and I thought you'll be perfect for the job"

I shake my head he frowns "Ava take the job or you won't have one at all"I gulp and take a deep breath, I nod and he smiles.

"perfect"he looks at his watch "oh look like it's feeding time, go and get the cart with the meat i'll get someone to put your cleaning cart away. And grab your iPad, keep it on you. Also come to work at 6:00 they eat breakfast at seven but better early than late"I nod and get up.

I walk out closing the door behind me, I walk to my cart and I see Steven he waves at me and gives me a sad smile "good luck I heard they bite"I smile a sad smile and walk away.

I grab the meat cart and walk toward the elevator, The doors open and I push the O button. The doors open and I step out, I walk down the hall and stopped by the first door.

I turn on my ipad and read the instructions one meat and one cup of water. (my guess they are in their wolf form) i unlock the door and walk in.

I stop at 0z the last cell, I put in the code and do the rest for the next two. I walk in and my eyes widen. In a silver cage chained to the wall is the lycan king (what the f.....) he has two chains on each leg and a sliver collar and cuffs with thick chains.

I gulp and walk forward, his eyes snap open and i freeze. He sniffs the air and growls. His eyes start to change from red to green, he starts to pull at the chains. He growls and struggle but stops.

I pull out the meat and pitcher i slide the meat in and pour the water down the tube that is right above his water bowl. I step back and grab my cart, i feel his gaze and look up. He growls at me and i give him a sad smile.

But that seems to piss him off, he starts to growl and pull at the chains again. I quickly walk out and lock and close the doors behind me.

First chapter edited 10/26/2021

Hopefully it's more easier to read, I'm sorry for the ones who read it first. Now that I went back to reread and edit, I feel ashamed, and disappointed that I even let y'all read this. Hopefully this makes it up if it doesn't I understand. Have a great day or night or whenever your reading this. I'm super happy about all the views and comments I've gotten on this book, and I know I said it before but thank you, really.

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