Level Up! You Have Now Unlocked ★Kang Jia's Tragic Backstory★

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Level Up! You Have Now Unlocked ★Kang Jia's Tragic Backstory★

This was probably the second time in his life that Namju was standing outside a train station. All because Juda had reprimanded him, saying 'why travel by flight when the bullet train saved money?'. He only had to sit still for an extra hour.

Since she was too busy taking care of her recovering grandmother, Namju decided that it was 'safe' to invite Dohwa along. The boy was over the moon, though. He had said yes even before Namju had finished asking him.

"What do you think is going on with Kyung?" Dohwa asked, as they waited for the train to arrive, "I've lost the number of times he has blown us off or stood us up ever since, you know, November. Not that I'm angry at him about it. Upset, yes, but not angry because...well..."

Namju sometimes wondered if Dohwa had changed overnight because a few weeks ago, he was calm and collected and spoke very eloquently. This person wore his emotions on his sleeve while words refused to stop flowing out of his mouth.

It didn't bother him, of course. It was nice to see Dohwa being more expressive.

But it was strange.

How had both of his closest friends changed so suddenly and so drastically?

Namju shoved his hand in the pocket of his trousers, "He'll tell us at his own pace."

"Yeah, but—hang on a second, my brother's calling." Dohwa shuffled away, pressing his phone to his ear.

"Don't take too long!" He called after him, "The train's going to be here s—"

Dohwa's timing had been impeccable. Just as he had left, Namju's gaze accidentally fell on Kyung's frame in a distance, towering over the thin crowd. And next to him, with the most outlandish mop of curls, was one bespectacled Kang Jia.

They hadn't noticed him, much like before. Jia was scowling at Kyung who wouldn't stop making faces at her hair. She was speaking animatedly and he was rolling his eyes. With a huff of annoyance, she handed him her suitcase and began to storm away. Kyung followed suit, dragging the luggage behind him.

Are they friends? Are they dating? Juda said their clothes smelt the sameare they living together? That's not possible

Namju almost called out to his friend, he almost pulled out his phone to call him, and he almost told Dohwa about what he had seen.

Then he remembered what he had just told Dohwa. Kyung would tell him—them—everything at his own pace. So he refrained from acting out.

But, god, did he itch to find out what the hell was going on.


"...Mouseface wouldn't stop staring at me, and then Shin Saemi was all like 'ooh you must be so jealous that my Danoh is so much better than you because she—'" Jia nudged Kyung sharply, "You're still staring at my hair. It's disrespectful."

"If there's anything disrespectful here," Kyung scoffed, "It's your hair. It looks ridiculous. If it were anyone else, I'd pity them for trying to bring a comb near that mess."

Her hair stood up and pointed in nearly every direction. It was a shiny, tangled mess—and please, not the aesthetic or romanticized kind of mess. The kind of mess that would make anyone curl their lip in distaste and offer her the advice of going bald instead because it seemed like the best alternative than to sit down and blow dry/straighten it.

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