I Spy With My Hungover Eye Something Signed in Crayon

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I Spy With My Hungover Eye Something Signed in Crayon

Everybody was staring again, whispers rising higher and higher as the A3 strode down the hallway. It was obvious what they were whispering about. You'd think they'd give it a rest on the day they had an important exam. Yet, even after nearly a month had passed, Kyung's hospitalization and his father's arrest were the topics of nearly every conversation at school. The gossip, however, barely affected Kyung now. Maybe before, it would've gotten onto his nerves and he would've picked a fight with anybody who looked at him for a second too long. But now—

"Are you kidding me!?" Jia screeched in panic, a post-it note stuck to her forehead as she shoved her way past Dohwa and Namju using her textbooks, "How many times have I told you not to block the damn hallway? Hey, I borrowed your notes."

Namju scowled, trying to look intimidating, "I'll kill you if you touch my things."

"Cute that you think your threats will work on me," she replied, distracted and anxious, trying to pat down her hair that had begun to curl at the edges from the stress, "You three don't run the school anymore. Juda does." Some from the crowd squeaked in agreement, acknowledging how strong-willed and terrifying Yeo Juda had become.


She cut Kyung off, on the verge of tears, "Not now! I think I forgot everything."

He watched her run towards Soohyang's classroom. Jia twisted her foot, stumbling forward as she caught herself before she fell. Cursing loudly, she hopped on one foot for the rest of the way.

"What was it like before I met her?" Dohwa said to himself rhetorically, "I don't remember my life being this entertaining."

"Your girlfriend's a nuisance," Namju commented, sourly.

Kyung rolled his eyes, walking away and pointedly ignoring the crowd as they gave way to him, "She's less of a nuisance than you are."


Jia's voice was muffled by the carpet as she grumbled, "I think I'm going to flunk."

"You've said that already," Kyung replied, lying perpendicular to her on the sofa with his arm covering his eyes.

The two had collapsed in the back of the car Kang Gitae had sent to have them driven back home after the exam had ended that evening. The driver had looked at them pitifully, narrating his own schooldays that, frankly, neither of them listened to. While Kyung still functioned somewhat normally, Jia had declared that her brain had killed itself the second she stumbled out of the exam room. They had to drag themselves up the apartment before crumpling in their respective positions.

"I'm not even kidding," Jia mumbled, turning her head as she lay on her stomach, on the carpeted floor, "We thought we'd discuss the questions...but then I said I got 318 for the first question in Maths, and Juda, Soohyang, and everyone were like 'no, it's 4'—"

"It was 4."

She let out a humiliated cry, curling up and hiding her face, "Oh god, I'm going to fail."

"You won't fail because of one question."

"What if I never get into any college?" Kyung let out an exhausted sigh, refusing to answer. "I don't even know what I want to do in college—"

He tiredly threw a cushion at her, "Jia, can we worry about this tomorrow?"

Jia groaned miserably in response. They lay in silence and she had almost fallen asleep when someone rang the doorbell repeatedly. Inhaling sharply, Kyung sat up grouchily, hair sticking up in every direction.

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