All's Well That Ends Well to End Up With You

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All's Well That Ends Well to End Up With You

Kyung knocked on the door to the closet, annoyed, "How much longer are you going to take?"

"Ten minutes," Jia yelled back, "I messed up my eyeliner!"

He mumbled a curse under his breath before opening the door anyway. "You said that fifteen minutes ago," he stepped over the dresses she had tossed on the ground out of exasperation, "How many times did you change this time?"

"I don't know. I lost count." She was peering closely into the long mirror, wearing a bathrobe and trying to fix her eyeliner, "Three of them didn't go with my lipstick—and I've come too far to change my makeup. Two of them were too short for the occasion. And—oh god, what if someone says that I'm married so I'll have to throw away half my wardrobe because my clothes are inappropriate?"

"Why would they say that?"

"I don't know, Kyung, I haven't been married before!" Panicking, Jia began to fan herself and turned to him, "Do you think I have wrinkles around my eyes?"


"Are you lying to me?"

"No." Kyung didn't know what she had meant but he wasn't an idiot so he went with the safest answer. How did one know if a person had wrinkles around their eyes anyway? "We're staying only for thirty minutes, Jia, and you've spent twice as long getting ready."

She scowled at him, liner in hand, observing how he was already dressed in an ensemble of black—shirt, jacket, and trousers. "Easy for you to say," she crossed her arms, "You dress as if you're mourning and it's all fine for you. My makeup's the tiniest bit patchy and suddenly I'm a moron who can hold a brush right—why are you checking your calendar?" She demanded with narrowed eyes when Kyung tried to discreetly peer into his phone.

With a shake of his head, he lied, "No reason."

"I'm not on my period!"

"I didn't say you were!"

Sulking, Jia slumped down on a settee. "What if they get mad at me?" She asked, curling up against Kyung's side when he sat next to her, "Aeil, Aeri, and Aesam? It's been like two whole days and I haven't even texted them about it. What if they never talk to me again?"

"If anything, they'd rub it in everyone's face," Kyung looked slightly disturbed at the thought.

She hid her face in her palms, "Fucking hell, Yangil was right. Oh my god, I can't believe Kim Yangil, out of everyone on this god forsaken planet, was right about me."

Kyung frowned, "About what?"

When Jia looked up, the liner and the kohl she wore was smudged around the corner of her eyes. "He said I'd do drugs and get married in a mall," she sobbed into his chest.

He rubbed her back soothingly, "At least he was wrong about the drugs part." He let out an amused laugh when she smacked his shoulder with the back of her hand. Wrapping his arms around her, he kissed her forehead and then her cheek. "It's going to be fine," he reassured her, "It's nothing you've never handled before."

"Doesn't mean I can't be worried." She let out an inaudible curse when she discovered that she had to fix her eyeshadow as well. "Okay, get out now. I need to get dressed."

"Five minutes or I'm leaving without you."

"I can manage a lot in five minutes. You know that."

Kyung scowled, his face flushing at the insinuating grin Jia wore. He was out of the door before she could wiggle her fingers and charm him out of his clothes. "Stop running your mouth," he grumbled, "I'll be waiting downstairs."

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