This is so Uncomfortable. Alexa, Play 'Mission Impossible Theme Song'.

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This is so Uncomfortable. Alexa, Play 'Mission Impossible Theme Song'.

"You look like an old woman." Kyung commented as Jia sat beside him on the sofa, humming while knitting a halter top for herself.

She rolled her eyes as she glanced at his slumped figure, his phone abandoned next to him. Geumbi was somewhere upstairs, probably sleeping. "Well," Jia said, "You already look like an old man so we make quite the pair."

"Crocheting is stupid."

"It's not crocheting and it's not stupid. It saves me money and I can make whatever I want."

He quirked a brow and turned to her, nudging her side with his knee, "It's a grandma-hobby." It was fun to rile her up.

Clicking her tongue, Jia set her things on the coffee table and removed the throw rug draped over her legs, "Give me back the sweater you're wearing then."

"Take it yourself." Kyung challenged.

She wasted no time in climbing into his lap and peeled the blue sweater off of him. It had barely slipped over his head when she found herself on her back on the sofa. Kyung hovered over her, grinning at her annoyance. Jia stretched out a hand to gently touch the back of his neck as she hooked a leg around his waist.

"Fuck you." She mumbled, pulling at his undershirt.

Kyung's fingers trailed over her calf and up her thigh. He bent down to kiss her while tugging at the waistband of her shorts, "Fuck you."


Jia jerked away, inhaling sharply. Resisting the urge to stretch, she inconspicuously touched the corner of her mouth for drool. It would've been unbearably embarrassing if the teacher had called her out for snoring in his class with drool down her face.

She rubbed her eyes, pretending to have been awake the whole time, and quietly looked around.

"—so what I want you all to take away from this is that," the teacher smiled pleasantly like he usually did, "make the most of your last Sports Day but don't forget to prepare for your mock CSATs."

Jia coughed, choking on air. Prepare for our what?

She leaned forward and whispered to Juda as their teacher continued to give them a pep talk, "Hey, what the hell is going on?"

"Nothing." Juda whispered back, "He's just been going on and on about how it's important that we have fun on Sport's Day because we have mock tests till November as practice for our CSATs. Also, I think something about the library being open—"

"—why don't you girls answer?" The teacher smiled even widely at them as they stared back, wide-eyed.

There was silence for about five seconds because neither of them had heard the question. Jia was on the verge of panic until Aesam raised her hand and answered.

"Causing considerable psychological distress motivates me." She said and then looked at Jia and Juda, "What about you two?"

Oh, thank fuck, Aesam.

"Money." Juda replied.

"Spite." Jia chimed in.

They low-fived each other as the teacher looked mildly uncomfortable, "...Moving on."


Kyung almost got up from his chair to follow Jia and ask her why she looked like a raccoon when she and her friends linked their arms together and began to leave for the lab.

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