Hello, My Name is I'm-Not-Your-Friend.

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Hello, My Name is I'm-Not-Your-Friend.

Haru had disappeared. Eun Danoh spent the next few days crying and calling and searching for him. Then the Sports Day happened and he turned up, looking like a wannabe Baek Kyung. He sneered at Eun Danoh just like Baek Kyung did when she ran up to him after the disastrous three-legged race.

When he smacked Eun Danoh's hand away, grabbed Baek Kyung's wrist and began to drag him away, Jia couldn't help but whisper 'I ship' under her breath. She walked past the two boys, towards Eun Danoh and Lee Dohwa's direction. The latter were peering at the comic and then at Haru.

However, to her utter surprise, as she passed by Haru, he did a double take at her and then said, "Hi, Jia!" in a please-pay-attention-to-me-and-talk-to-me tone. That incited a surprised look from Baek Kyung as well.

She backed away real quick, scoffing and stuttering over words, "Wha—you—I—huh—why—No." Though she was pretty sure what came out of her mouth was 'wa-ksh-swsh-pfft-bsh', she turned her face and power walked all the way to the ground where her friends were sitting.


Jia didn't know what the fuck was up with this new Haru. When he was not pretending to be Baek Kyung's personal bodyguard and shadow, Haru was trying too hard to get her to notice him. He'd accompany her to the cafeteria, walk her to the library (even though she managed to slip away from him), and tried to sit next to her during Art class.

"What are you trying to do?" Jia asked, horrified as Eun Danoh stared at them teary-eyed, from across the room.

Haru smiled widely, and though he was good-looking, he didn't really make her heart flutter like Dohwa did. Nor did she have any...other thoughts about him like she had with Baek Kyung. "We're friends," Haru said happily, "of course I'd sit with you."

What, she blinked at him as he picked up his pencil to sketch her face, is he spewing? I do not remember becoming this man-tree's friend.


Every time the ball came towards her and Baek Kyung, Haru stopped it. Aeil had to hold Jia back from swinging her fist at Haru. Not that he noticed, of course.


Haru and Baek Kyung were sitting together when Jia and her friends walked down the corridor, arguing about whether it was called 'soccer' or 'football'. Jia firmly stood for the latter.

Waving away something Aeri had said, her gaze accidentally fell on Haru who froze the moment their eyes met. He nervously raised a hand and waved. Baek Kyung followed his line of sight and raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Stop it!" Disgusted, Jia stumbled over her feet and power walked away again.


"Hey." Jia stopped a gloomy looking Eun Danoh by the lockers, "You should know that your guy is getting onto my nerves. I don't know what happened to him but I'm not a very big fan of the way he's looking at me."

"Oh." She nodded glumly, "Okay."

They turned their heads towards the lockers in unison, when Baek Kyung and Haru were standing. (It was like they were attached at the hip). (Who was going to tell them about the KyungHaru Ship club that she may or may not have started). The latter hesitated and shyly waved at the girls. Eun Danoh almost replied until he said "Hi, Jia."

"Aw, hell no!" Jia made a retching noise and left.


Jia was going over her accounts in a deserted corner of the school when Dohwa wandered in. He flopped down on the bench next to her and let out a long, heavy sigh. When she didn't say anything, he repeated the sigh.

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