Jia and Namju Try to Kill Each Other and Things Slowly Become Worse-er

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Jia and Namju Try to Kill Each Other and Things Slowly Become Worse-er

"Aren't you three ashamed of yourselves!?" The math teacher shrieked at them, causing them to flinch because goddamn, the woman has a pair of lungs alright. "You—'not dead'!" Jia lowered her head as the teacher pointed at her. "You, house-husband!" Kim Yangil cleared his throat, peering sideways at Oh Namju who was next in line to be yelled at. "And you didn't bother turning in your career form! Do you think we're running some sort of a circus here?

Oh Namju, you said it yourself that you won't be accepting any special treatment. And you two," Their math teacher was maybe an inch and a half taller than Eun Danoh but it was safe to say that she was much, much scarier than the girl, "when will you start taking things seriously? Christ, you students love to test my patience. If it weren't for the law, I would've strangled you all."

Yangil, shameless that he was, mumbled, "I don't think Kang Jia would mind—oof." He muttered and made faces at Jia, who pretended to not have jabbed him in the ribs.

"What was that?" The woman narrowed her eyes sharply, "Speak up."

"Nothing, saem."

She crossed her arms and pointed her chin at him, "The sheer audacity of you to mumble like an insect when I know it was you who set fire to the career forms during the Spring Festival."

While Jia pointedly looked away, Namju glanced at Yangil casually and watched him turn into a stuttering mess.

"No—actually, I—well, it wasn't—I wouldn't—"

The woman copied his expression and mocked his fumbling, "'I would—I could'—do I look like I care!? Get out! All three of you!"

Jumping a little, the teens made a beeline to the door.

"You snitched, didn't you?" Yangil hissed at Jia, bumping shoulders against her.

She rolled her eyes, "I didn't have to. The janitor saw you that day."

"She's probably lying." Namju cut in flatly, shoving his hands in his pockets, "Everyone knows how much of a phoney she—"

Without giving it a second thought, Jia stretched out her leg and tripped him midspeech. The once-protagonist took an ungraceful tumble, having not expected such a cheap shot. Sniggering under her breath, Jia walked past him only to follow suit when Namju grabbed her ankle and tugged harshly. Flailing her feet, she managed to land a blow on his shoulder. He retaliated by pulling her hair.

"I'm going to fucking kill you!"

"Let go!"

"You let go first, asshole!"

"You started it!"

While they screamed curse words and death threats at each other and scratched and bit each other like the problem children that they were, Yangil pressed himself against the wall. The sight had startled him horribly and it took him seventeen seconds to realize that he should probably stop the...kerfuffle.

Hooking his hands under Jia's arms, Yangil began to drag her away. "Enough, okay? What if the teacher—"

"Man, fuck the teacher. This coconut head is going to die today!" Jia wrapped her legs around Namju's neck and tried to strangle him. He dug his nails into her calves, growling about how he would make sure to rearrange her lying face.

"Guys, please, for fuck's sake, you'll get us in—"

The door to the staff room flew open with a loud sound, making the teens freeze instantly. Terrified of the unreadable expression on their math teacher's face, none of the three even risked breathing. (Namju's nails were still cutting into Jia's calf and forearm while she had a fistful of his hair in a death grip).

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