Geumbi Kinda Sorta Brings Kyung and Jia Closer After that One Scene

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Geumbi Kinda Sorta Brings Kyung and Jia Closer After that One Scene

He woke up to singing again.

Groaning, Kyung slipped out of his bed carefully so as to not disturb Geumbi. He stood outside the bathroom, barely able to keep his eyes open. He was so exhausted that he couldn't even comprehend the words Jia was singing.

He kicked the door, "Shut up!"

"You shut up!" Jia yelled back from the other side and sang even louder.

"It's 3:30, Jia. Go the fuck to sleep."

She was quiet for a moment and then snapped back, "Can you not make conversation with me when I'm naked and bathing? Go back to sleep and stop bothering me."

"I would if you weren't screeching like a goat in the middle of the damn night!"

Kyung crept back into his bed anyway. He had almost dozed off again when the realization that he had referred to Jia by her first name hit him. Staring at the ceiling, he spent the next hour convincing himself that it wasn't a big deal, even though he felt otherwise.

He might as well get used to it since they were living together.


Jia was banging her fists against the bathroom as Kyung slowly brushed his teeth.

"Are you kidding me!?" She yelled, "Hurry the hell up! I need to get dressed for school too."

He pretended to be deaf until she fell quiet and he heard the door knob click and turn. Throwing the door open, Jia tucked a bobby pin in the pocket of her pyjamas. She ignored a frozen-in-place bare-chested Kyung, walking past him and the opaque shower enclosure, carrying her uniform in her hands. She got into the bathtub by the large window and drew the curtains around her.

Kyung heard the rustling of her clothes behind the screen and brushed violently to drown out the noise.

"Did you text Dohwa?"

He paused. "Shit."

"He's going to throw a fit."

"I know."

"Do you still feel sick?"

"No. The bruises are healing fast too, surprisingly."

"...Does it hurt a lot?"

"Less than yesterday. Why are you leaving so early?"

She got out of the bathtub after changing into her uniform, "I'm taking Geumbi to Hwan's and then I'll take a bus from there because his place is in the opposite direction to school. There's also that trig assignment I need to finish. I left breakfast on the table. Can you find your way to school?"

"I can. Hurry up and get out." Kyung felt conscious of the bruises on back and how Jia didn't even seem to be fazed at the sight of them. However, he saw her eyes flicker time and again at the gauze on his shoulder blade through the mirror's reflection. She almost seemed guilty. Or maybe he was reading too much into things.

"Yeah, yeah." Jia grumbled, "Don't leave the dishes in the sink. They'll attract flies by the time we get back. Joonhyun left your blazer in your locker. Check if the windows and the balcony doors are closed. There's this damn pigeon that tries to sneak into the apartment. Check the stove too. I mean, I've already made sure that it's switched off but it doesn't hurt to check again. Oh, and—"

He shot her an irritated look. It was too early to process the words that flew fast out of her mouth. The vigorous flopping of her hands didn't help either. "Are you going to leave or not?"

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