When I Said I Wanted To K-Word Myself, I Meant It As A Joke

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When I Said I Wanted To K-Word Myself, I Meant It As A Joke

Baek Kyung ignored the young man in the pretty cashmere sweater who walked out of the apartment that he assumed was Kang Jia's. In the back of his mind, he wondered who he was.

For someone who's an insufferable miser, she sure lives in a nice place, he thought as he rang the doorbell.

It took her a few seconds to open the door. Immediately, his ears were assaulted by the loud, excited barking from inside the flat.

Kang Jia was wearing her stupid round glasses again. She pulled the sleeves of her shirt such that they covered a good portion of her hands as she stared up at him.

"You're late." When she looked up at him through her glasses, adjusting them over her nose by their tip, something burned in the pit of his stomach. Annoyance, no doubt. Just looking at her irritated him to the core.

"By five minutes."

She stepped aside to let him in, "Geumbi, stay—stay!"

The black Retriever wagged her tail so hard that Kyung thought it would fall off. She barked again, sniffing his knees and shoes and bumping her head against his legs. He clicked his tongue at the dog hair that got stuck to his beige trousers.

Kang Jia pinched the bridge of her nose, "Look, she won't calm down until you pat her once. I don't know why she gets so excited to see you."

The corner of his mouth twitched as the dog looked at him expectantly and yapped. "Be quiet," he grumbled, scratching the top of her head for the heck of it. As Kang Jia had said, the dog closed her eyes in contentment and pressed her head against his palm.

As he followed Jia into the living room, past the kitchen area (the high ceiling-ed hall was divided into various areas, really), the damned dog kept stumbling into him.

Baek Kyung should've never agreed to this. He should've argued and told her to...fuck off or something. He was already annoyed at everything that was happening as it were. Who gave a damn about the stupid project?

"Sit at the table." Kang Jia pointed at a corner by a large window (why were there so many windows?) that he assumed was the dining area. "Give me a minute. I need to put these away," She gestured at the groceries and boxes of food stacked up on the kitchen counter. "I made notes. They're right there. Read and let me know what you think."

Straight to business, thank fuck, He thought, keeping his school bag on one of the four empty chairs. That didn't lessen the buzzing in his chest, though. Baek Kyung's eyes flitted across the living room/dining area/kitchen. Even as he flipped through the notebook the pest had left lying on the table, he peered up at the one visible room right over the kitchen, on the first floor. Half of its wall was glass and he could almost see inside the bedroom from down here.

A voice in the back of his mind told him that probably someone was watching him from up there. Baek Kyung glanced at Jia as she hummed to herself while sorting out the groceries in the fridge. He still wasn't used to the way she didn't fawn over him anymore. Don't get him wrong — he was pretty fucking happy that she didn't hang off his arm anymore. But this was just...


He was waiting for the moment where she went 'surprise! I was messing with you!' because there was no way someone's personality could do a complete flip that quickly. Yes, it can, another sinister sounding voice whispered, just look at Eun Danoh.

His thoughts began to spiral, almost throwing him into another emotional catastrophe until the giant black creature stood on its hind legs and draped her upper body across his lap. She tilted her head upwards, prodding his blazer with her nose. Baek Kyung had shifted in his seat a little in shock until he saw what was in the dog's mouth.

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