This is Your Average Chapter on Fear, Panic, Love, and Blood, I Guess

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This is Your Average Chapter on Fear, Panic, Love, and Blood, I Guess.

Had it not been for the insane amount of painkillers she had gulped down (not recommended, by the way), Jia would've never been able to catch even a wink's worth of sleep that night. She had drooled over her pillow again, making Siwon let out the most disgusted 'gross, what the hell' when he tried to wake her up for school.

"There's so much spit," he made a face as Jia groggily rubbed her eyes, "that it reminds me of Geumbi when you used to tempt her with—oh. My god." His eyes resembled saucers once he caught sight of Jia's neck.

"What?" She grumbled, patting around her pillow for her glasses, "Motherf—my neck hurts like a bitch."

Siwon frowned at her while rage burned through his veins. The bruises around her neck had turned a horrendous shade of dark blue. "I think you should take the day off."

Jia looked at him as if he had lost his mind, "Are you insane? I can't even think of missing school during this time. What if I flunk my finals because I decided to sleep in?"

"You can miss a few days—"

She got off her bed, groaning and thumping her lower back with her fist. "Ugh, everything hurts."

"So don't—"

"This sucks." She continued to complain as she brushed past Siwon, towards the bathroom, "I wish nights lasted longer.

He stared after her in silence, watching her close the door behind her, and rubbed his temple in exasperation, "Weirdo."


Aeri blinked at the black high-neck sweater Jia wore under her blazer. She narrowed her eyes, leaning over the backrest of Juda's chair where she was sitting, and asked, "It's...Sena's, isn't it?"

Jia slouched and flopped down on her seat, "I made the mistake of asking Siwon to bring me my clothes from my apartment." She tugged at the soft material around her neck in discomfort, "This is Sena's old sweater, by the way. I couldn't find anything larger than this."

"Well..." Aeri's eyes lowered pointedly at her chest, "At least nobody's going to call you 'Flat-chested Kang' any time soon."

Scowling widely, Jia pulled the lapels of her blazer closer and crossed her arms over it, "I told you. Nobody has called me that in years."

"That's what you think." She grumbled under her breath.


Aeri quickly cut her off, "Are you wearing this because of the...y'know...stuff—thingy—wound on your..." she gestured vaguely at Jia's neck, making her grimace.

"Say it louder, why don't you? I don't think the people in the first row heard it." She whisper-yelled. At Aeri's semi-apologetic expression, she nodded, "Yeah, Siwon didn't get any of my scarves and the only makeup at grandpa's house is the expired shit that Sena left." Jia sighed, glancing over her shoulder at Kyung's empty seat. Her fingers gently traced the bruising on her neck.

"When are you going to tell him?" Aeri asked, cinching her brows.

She pressed her lips together in a thin line and shrugged. "I've thought of all the different ways I can tell him about what I've done and what happened," she exhaled, "but in my mind, all of the possible scenarios end with him picking a fight with his dad and someone landing up in the hospital or in jail."

"Well, if Baek Kyung lands in jail, we can bail him out."

Jia slowly raised her head to stare at Aeri vacantly.

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