Where Everyone Decides Enough is Enough and Refuse to Keep Secrets. Sort of.

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Where Everyone Decides Enough is Enough and Refuse to Keep Secrets. Sort of.

The doctor and the nurses had stared long and hard at the red hand print around Jia's throat. She had cleared her throat and told them that it had been dealt with.

"Miss," the doctor said gently, as Jia looked up at her nervously from the bed, "if there is something you'd like to tell us, please know that we can help you and keep the situation—"

"No," Jia interrupted her, lying through her teeth, "it's alright, seriously. I've—I've reported it and it's been handled."

The staff looked unconvinced. "If you'd like to reschedule the surgery, I'm sure Mrs. Park would understand."

She shook her head, "That's okay. To be honest, I'm more nervous about the surgery than anything so I'd like to get it done with."

Clasping her hands together, the doctor pursed her lips, "As you wish. Is there anyone you'd like to talk to before we proceed?"

With an afterthought, Jia nodded, "You know, I actually do have to call someone."


"Hey, Aeil—"

"It's fucking 5:30 in the morning," a drowsy Aeil groaned into the phone, "what the hell is wrong with you?"

"So—rry." Jia scowled, "I thought I'd apologize to you guys for running away yesterday and let you know that I'm in the hospital—"

"Wait!" She heard rustling and figured that Aeil must've thrown her bedcovers aside to sit up, "What? In the hospital? Like right now?"


"What—why didn't you tell us earlier? Aeri must've gone to bed, like, an hour ago. We can't make it in time!" She panicked.

Jia rolled her eyes, scratching the knee of the hospital pajamas she was wearing, "It's okay. You can see me after. It'll take two hours tops. If everything goes well—which it will—I'll be out of the hospital by the afternoon."

"Don't worry." Aeil reassured her, "We'll be there by the time you wake up."

"Sounds like a nightmare but okay. Just don't let Hwan and the others see you."

"Oh my god, you haven't told them!?"


They made her take off her lenses, nail polish, and the little makeup that she wore to hide her raccoon eyes that she had earned from months of not sleeping properly. As she was wheeled into the OR, the nurses repeated the same details of the surgery that they had told her on multiple occasions.

One of the nurses, an older woman who nearly oozed with motherly vibes, reassured her that it was going to be alright, that it was a simple procedure.

"Haha, yeah." Jia forced a chuckle because no amount of reassurance was going to help lessen the tummy ache she had had since she had agreed to be the donor.

I'm going to be so pissed if this goes wrong.


Obviously, Jia had done her own research about the surgery and a lot of donors had described the process as 'having the best sleep of my life'.

Bunch of fucking liars.

For her, it had felt as if she had been trapped in her own nightmare. Try as she might, Jia couldn't wake up. Minutes, days, months—time didn't make sense to her when she was unconscious. All she knew was that first she was running (god, she hated the running) and then hands emerged from the dark, like shadows, grabbing her and pulling her in every direction.

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