Chapter 2:Night Has a Thousand Eyes, When the Levee Breaks

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Davina sits at Kaleb's grave when Klaus arrives and makes a deal with him that she will help him find Mikael and he will hand over Kol's ashes. Later that day Davina has found Mikael and is meeting up with Klaus. "So, what's the deal, anyway? Aiden at your beck and call now?" Davina asks Klaus as he walks up to the bench she is sitting on and like always he has a snarky comeback "I'm simply mentoring a promising young wolf." Davina shakes her head and replies "Josh isn't gonna be too happy when he finds out about it." Klaus sits down next to her and makes yet again another snarky comment "And I am shaking in my boots at the mere thought of his displeasure. You see, Davina, Josh and Aiden are in love. Which means they both have something to lose. Thus making them all-too-easily manipulated, should the need arise." Davin looks Klaus in the eyes before making a snarky comment herself "It must really suck to have to be you all the time." At this Klaus responds completely seriously "It hasn't been a picnic, honestly."

At this Davina makes a realization "You know, thing is you have that now too, don't you? Someone you love more than anything, even yourself. How does that feel, to be one of us? Someone with something to lose?" Klaus looks at Davina "Well from what I hear Davina Claire you'll find out how it feels to be a parent in just a few short months." Davina couldn't help but let her hand glide over her stomach until Mikael caught her eye "Klaus, there." and with that she leaves them again.


The next day Aiden and Josh come to Davina's place to ask for a favor. "Klaus doesn't suspect a thing." Aiden tells Josh who is clearly worried "Oh, right. Yes, I'm sure that Klaus 'Color-Me-Paranoid' Mikaelson totally fell for your whole 'I came across the river for Hope's bonny' ruse." Josh replies sarcastically. Aiden ignores Josh's comment and looks directly at Davina "Look, these manacles are spelled to neutralize witch power, right?" Davina nods and he continues "So Davina if you could transfer the magic from these onto something smaller. Just think about it. If the baby can't give off magic, Dahlia won't be able to track her.". "I could try, but what difference does it make? I thought the baby was already safe." Davin asks, confused. Aiden shakes his head "Jackson and Hayley are getting ready to run."

Davina's eyes grow a little bit in size "Wow, heh. Good for them. If Kol had asked me to run before he got hexed. Well, he wouldn't have had to ask me twice. And we would have been a lot safer for it." She states looking down at her stomach while Aiden and Josh share a sad look. "Okay" she says as she takes the manacles from Aiden and places them on a table as she continues talking "Let's say I do this. Aren't we forgetting one really important thing? If Klaus finds out what you did--". "Let me worry about that." Aiden interrupts, she nods and does the spell transferring the magic to a bracelet she was wearing.


Davina is looking at the diamond Kol gave her when she hears the door open and gets into a defensive position ready to do magic if necessary. Then Marcel rounds the corner "Whoa, hold it. It's just me." she drops her hands and becomes more relaxed "I come in peace." he says raising his hands. Davina lets out a small, short laugh, and says "You should know better than to sneak up on me. What do you want Marcel?". Marcel walks closer to her as she walks back over to her work station "I know you've been going through a hard time, holed up in here ever since Kol died trying to bring him back. And then finding out about the pregnancy." Davina looks at him clearly annoyed with him "What do you care? You hated him anywhere.". Marcel looks at her sincerely "Oh, I didn't hate him. I just didn't much like him. And to be honest, I really didn't like him for you. You know I can be a little protective." Davina gets a small smile on her face "Understatement of the year. You know, even though I appreciate you saving me from Eva you never once bothered to ask me how I felt after Kol died. Or after I found out that I'm gonna be a mom. And even after all the crazy things that I have been through that was the worst. That's when I needed you most." Marcel walks up right in front of her "Your right. I'm truly sorry that I wasn't there for you. But we have a problem. Klaus." Davina scoffs walking away from him "What else is new?".

"Kol told me that you guys were working on a weapon to use against him. Rebekah heard that it was a dagger. One that would work even on Klaus. I need to know if you finished it." Marcel explains to Davina. "And what if we did." Davin snaps clearly not wanting to help him. "Look, D, nobody in this city is safe with this witch Dahlia coming around. Now Klaus is off the rails and he won't trust anyone and he won't share the one weapon that'll take down this witch. If things go south, that dagger might come in handy." Marcel explains to Davina again as she looks at her hands, when she brings her head up and looks him in the eyes she replies "Kol gave me that dagger for my protection. I'll be the one who decides if it gets used. Making myself an enemy to Klaus once more isn't exactly the smartest thing for me to do when I have a baby on the way. I have to get back to work.". Marcel leaves disappointed.


Davina and Josh walk down the street talking as he is planning on leaving. "Well, I promise we'll move somewhere cool so you'll wanna come visit. Any preferences? Like, uh, Berlin, Rio, Joburg?" Davina gives him a big smile "You know I'd go anywhere to see you." She says full of joy that he is getting out of town. "I hate to leave right after Kol and the baby and all. I feel like a jerk." Josh says sadly. Davina looks at him, the smile still plastered on her face and responds "No, I'm glad for you guys. Really, I am. You doing this is your happy ending and once I get Kol back our family will be mine." The two smile at each other until they pass an alley and stop. They see a body.

Josh drops his bag "What the...?" They start to walk closer and as they approach him they can see who it is. Aiden. They kneel down in front of him. Davina is shocked and Josh is refusing to accept it as he bits his wrist and tries to feed him his blood even though his heart is on the floor next to his body. All Josh can do is repeat no over and over again as he sobs. Davina can see the bit mark on his neck and the claw mark on his face. She knows who did this, the same person who destroys everything in this town, The person she was going to make pay. Klaus.

As Davina enters Marcels loft she hears that he is talking to Rebekah. "Marcel?" she says to get his attention. Her eyes are full of tears. Marcel moves around Rebekah and walks up to Davina "We just heard. Is Josh with you?" She shakes her head "No. when Jackson came to get Aiden's body, he just took off." Marcel gives her an apologetic look "D" he walks over and brings her into a hug "D, I'm so sorry." She cries into his shoulder until she pulls back, wipes her eyes and speaks "I brought something for you." She reaches into her bag and pulls out a shiny gold dagger which gets both Marcel and Rebekah's attention.

"Is that what I think it is?" Rebekah asks as she quickly walks over and Davina hands the dagger to Marcel. "The dagger Kol and I made. I want you to use it. I want you to put Klaus down. I can't let him hurt anyone else I care about." She says with her hand resting on her stomach, eyes full of tears and hatred. Marcel grips the knife and gives the young witch a nod.

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