Chapter 10:Heart Shaped Box

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Davina had joined the Strix Coven and was now working with them to find a way to break the sire link between the originals and all their sires. But in order to do that she needed help from Kol. She had tried to convince Aya to bring him back permanently but instead she got a candle so she could see him temporarily. Davina was now doing the spell to light the candle as her daughter laid in a car seat a few feet away. As soon as she did the spell he appeared in the circle.

"Are you okay?" Davina asks as she approaches the man she loves.

Kol lets out a big breath as he sees the witch as a smile laces his lips and he replies "Well, it seems I'm not as popular in the afterlife as I am with you." Kol looks around and notices where they were before adding "And as happy as I am to see you, Davina Claire, I truly wish you didn't join this particular coven."

The smile on her face doesn't falter as she says "They're a means to an end."

Their joyous reunion is interrupted when Aya jumps into the conversation "He's a bit old for you, isn't he? By a good millennium, I'd say. Nevertheless, we're in a bit of a hurry."

"Aya. I thought someone would have killed you by now." Kol says snarkily.

"Some of us are more durable than others." Aya replies, trying to get to her nerves before getting to the point "Speaking of, you're very welcome to remain a ghost. Unless you prove useful to my cause."

Kol looks to Davina for an explanation "The desiring spell I was working on last year. Your mother told me to kill it or to kill me. If she was worried, then I must have been close, and you must have known how close. Which means you know how to finish it."

"In other words, you will provide the missing ingredient. The binding agent. Now." Aya says in a commanding voice.

"I've forgotten how cuddly you are. If you want me to talk, fine. But I'm only talking to her." Kol says as he points to Davina. Aya and Kol stare at each other for a moment in a challenging way as a smile creeps onto the witches face. "I can wait." Kol finishes.

Aya turns to go before stopping at the doorway. "If the candle burns out and you don't give me what I need I won't hesitate to remind you of some people's lack of durability." Aya says before letting her eyes fall onto the sleeping baby. The others eyes follow hers and Davina's blood runs cold seeing who she was threatening. Kol on the other hand just completely freezes as he gets his first glimpse of his daughter.

As Aya leaves Davina rushes over and picks up her five month old and scoops the little one who was wrapped in a purple blanket into her arms, before walking back toward Kol. All eyes were locked on the little girl until Kol said "Is that her? Is that..." Kol stops almost unable to continue.

"Our daughter, Joshlynn." Davina answers. It took the two a few minutes to get back to the topic at hand. Just long enough for them to remember the threat that had been placed on her life.


Kol had originally tried to keep the fact that the missing ingredient was Hayley's heart until Davin reminded him of the cost of them not finding it. Joshlynn. Neither of the two wanted Hayley to die but they knew that they had to protect Joshlynn. After Aya found out though Davina picked up her phone and dialed the hybrid. "Hey." They heard from the other side of the line in a voice that was easily recognized.

"Hayley, you have to listen to me. Aya's witches are coming to kill you." Davina said letting the urgency be clear in her voice.

"What?" Hayley replied before the line went dead.

As the phone call ends Davina quickly goes to pack up her stuff but stops when Kol asks "What are you doing?"

"The Sisters already found Hayley, I have to help her."

"You'll never make it there in time."

"I'm not just gonna let her die."

"Then stop and let me help you." Kol says trying to calm her down and get her to see reason. Davina stops with her bag in one hand and the car seat, containing her daughter, in the other. "For better or worse, you're linked to this nasty little coven. Which means, if I take you down..."

"The Sisters go down, too." Davina finishes as she places the car seat on the outside of the circle. "How are you gonna do magic?" she asks.

"I'll draw it from the candle that's holding me here." Kol explains before putting his hand up to the invisible barrier. "Not the sexiest way to spend our final moments together, but you can make it up to me. A night on the town in a little black dress. And in the meantime I'll get to have some quality father-daughter bonding time." Kol says, causing Davina to smile as she looks down at the still sleeping child.

They do the spell and Davina falls to the ground as Kol gets low and looks at her "Definitely our worst date ever." As if on cue Kol hears a babble from beside him. A smile grows on his face as he moves over to his daughter who is awake and babbling away. "Hello there, my darling." Upon seeing him a smile grows along with a giggle as she reaches her hands up. Kol, understanding what she wants, sits in front of her and says "I'm sorry. Believe me I wish I could hold you right now but the fact that I'm stuck in a magical circle keeping me out of witch hell won't exactly let me."

He looks at the little girl who has now lowered her arms and started happily babbling again and smiles "You got lucky, you have your mother's eyes. Her big beautiful blue eyes. And I would bet all the money in the world you'll grow up just as beautiful as her." Kol talked to his daughter for what felt like hours until Davina regained consciousness.

As she sits up she looks at the candle which is almost burned out "We've wasted so much time."

"Hardly. Between watching you sleep and getting some quality time with my daughter, this has been the most fun I've had in months." Kol said his gaze darted between his two girls.

"I'll bring you back soon. She promised." Davina said in full confidence.

"I appreciate you trying. But Aya never keeps her promises. Seriously, darling. You have to let me go. The longer you stay in this coven, the more dangerous it becomes for you." Kol tries to warn her.

Not letting up Davina replies "But I'll bring you back and we'll take them on together. We can do anything, can't we? Please. I love you, Kol Mikaelson."

Kol looks at the candle which is seconds away from burning out and leans toward Davina as he says "Well in that case, you best kiss me before I go." Davina wastes no time in pressing her lips against his but before the kiss ends the candle goes out and he disappears. 

Over half way done with Book 1.

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